The Chameleon effect… Nikos Palavitsinis, Agro-Know 300. Learn, Adapt & Pivot
Lean AKademy, Feb-Mar, Reviewing our Interview Results Report on your interview results so far 10’ for each team to briefly report on their findings Practical problems? How were your interviewees? Document their characteristics
Lean AKademy, Feb-Mar, Report of Interview Results We put the LC on the wall again Product Risk – What are you solving? Market Risk – Existing Alternatives Customer Risk – Is this a viable customer segment?
Lean AKademy, Feb-Mar, How Interviews Affect our LC This is the time to put the new input on the canvas Any other insights? – Channels? – Pricing? – Other details we need to put up there?
Lean AKademy, Feb-Mar, Learning & Adapting Problems Let’s look at our problems… Are they still valid? Do we need to add new ones? Through away old ones? Other techniques that can help us identify problems?
Lean AKademy, Feb-Mar, Identifying Alternatives Which are the alternatives that we have identified? Can we built upon them? Can we identify new alternatives that we can investigate during the next interviews? Can the alternatives lead us to new solutions?
Lean AKademy, Feb-Mar, Adapting the Lean Canvas Each team gets 5’ to navigate us through the new version of their Lean Canvas This will allow us to get an overall view on the problems and customers each one of us faces
Lean AKademy, Feb-Mar, It’s Time to Solve the Problems How are we going to solve the problems? Can we refine what we have there already? Are the initial hypotheses in this part still valid?
Lean AKademy, Feb-Mar, Identify Your Solutions Each team gets 10’ to refine the three solutions for the top three problems One solution may as well tackle more than one problems
Lean AKademy, Feb-Mar, Takeaways & Assignments Let’s spend some time to reflect on our work today How did our LCs change? Do we have a different outlook on our initial hypotheses?
Lean AKademy, Feb-Mar, Takeaways & Assignments Refine your canvas some more… Prepare new interview forms and reach out to new interviewees! Conduct new interviews and prepare your input for the next time…
Lean AKademy, Feb-Mar, 2014 Questions?