E-module for UNIX Author: Jon Kleppe NTNU Assistant producer: Joachim Tro
E-module for UNIX INTRODUCTION Introduction to UNIX On the left hand side you are able to determine where you are in the module. You press the white arrows at the bottom the to switch between pages. You can press the buttons on the left side to flip between subjects. At the end of this module we recommend that you try out the quiz as it will enhance your learning experience Learning goals This module is meant to be an introduction to the Operating System (OS) UNIX You will learn the most basic commands, and when you learn these, you will find UNIX very easy to use Why UNIX? (click to know more..)(click to know more..) LOG ON USER INTERFACE COMMANDS LIST OF COMMANDS USEFUL INFO QUIZ RESOURCES
E-module for UNIX Introduction to UNIX UNIX is a very powerful and stable operating system. System of choice for engineering and scientific work stations. Very fit to run heavy applications Every computer requires an operating system An operating system is the program that controls all the other parts of a computer system, both the hardware and the software. It allocates the computer's resources and schedules tasks. UNIX is a multi-user, multi-tasking operating system. Multiple users may have multiple tasks running simultaneously. This is very different from PC operating systems. (e.g. Windows) Operating system INTRODUCTION LOG ON USER INTERFACE COMMANDS LIST OF COMMANDS USEFUL INFO QUIZ RESOURCES
E-module for UNIX How to log on When you log on to UNIX, we will use the Petra server On your Start menu, run WebtermX Administrator In the Connection List, highlight Petra, and hit Connect Log on as you would in Windows Okay, I’m logged on. Now what? logged INTRODUCTION LOG ON USER INTERFACE COMMANDS LIST OF COMMANDS USEFUL INFO QUIZ RESOURCES
E-module for UNIX User Interface Here you can find File Manager, Text Editor, Help Function etc It is very similar to those in Windows. When you are logged on the window will look like this. Press here for more informasjon on the window INTRODUCTION LOG ON USER INTERFACE COMMANDS LIST OF COMMANDS USEFUL INFO QUIZ RESOURCES
E-module for UNIX User Interface Name of Server Command Prompt We will now focus on the Terminal Window in UNIX This is our workplace for making directories, running programs, deleting files and a million other things For this we will use a set of commandscommands INTRODUCTION LOG ON USER INTERFACE COMMANDS LIST OF COMMANDS USEFUL INFO QUIZ RESOURCES
E-module for UNIX Commands UNIX contains several levels of commands A command makes something happen, e.g. deletes a file or makes a directory All UNIX commands are executed by pressing Enter Making a directory ”unixfiles”, then deleting it petra:~:(01)$ petra:~:(02)$ cd unixfiles petra:~/unixfiles(03)$ cd.. petra:~:(04)$ rmdir unixfiles petra:~:(05)$ mkdir unixfiles INTRODUCTION LOG ON USER INTERFACE COMMANDS LIST OF COMMANDS USEFUL INFO QUIZ RESOURCES
E-module for UNIX List of commands cd- change directory pwd- displays present working directory ls- list contents of directory mkdir- make directory rmdir- remove (empty) directory rm- remove files cp- copy files mv- move or rename files cat- display file man- help on a command clear- clear screen Here is a list of commands that will make you able to do basic tasks If you allready know some UNIX and want to look at more commands you can check out this link UNIX - course INTRODUCTION LOG ON USER INTERFACE COMMANDS LIST OF COMMANDS USEFUL INFO QUIZ RESOURCES
E-module for UNIX List of commmands Syntax: cd Example: cd test To get back to the previous folder: cd.. Terminal window Syntax: pwd Changes directory to testDisplays the pathname of the current working directory INTRODUCTION LOG ON USER INTERFACE COMMANDS LIST OF COMMANDS USEFUL INFO QUIZ RESOURCES
E-module for UNIX List of commmands In the third line at the picture above, the ls command is followed by: *txt. This is called a flag. In this case it lists all txt – files. Try ls –l, ls -a Syntax: ls Example ls *txt More about flag INTRODUCTION LOG ON USER INTERFACE COMMANDS LIST OF COMMANDS USEFUL INFO QUIZ RESOURCES
E-module for UNIX List of commmands In the third line at the picture above, the ls command is followed by: *txt. This is called a flag. In this case it lists all txt – files. Try ls –l, ls -a Syntax: ls Example ls *txt A flag is an optional statement that follows a command. Most commands have lots of optional flags attached to them INTRODUCTION LOG ON USER INTERFACE COMMANDS LIST OF COMMANDS USEFUL INFO QUIZ RESOURCES
E-module for UNIX List of commmands Syntax: mkdir Example: mkdir test2 The directories structure will form out as branches of a tree. If you make a directory test2 when standing in the directory test, test2 will be located below test in the directory structure, a subdirectory to test My documents test test2 Music INTRODUCTION LOG ON USER INTERFACE COMMANDS LIST OF COMMANDS USEFUL INFO QUIZ RESOURCES
E-module for UNIX List of commands Syntax rmdir Example: rmdir test2 Important: In order to delete a directory, it has to be empty; containing no files or subdirectories When you have deleted a directory using rmdir, it is gone for good, there is no way bringing it back (i.e when you delete a directory in windows it goes to the trash bin first, you can recover it later if you want to) Syntax: rm Example: rm logo.gif Deleting a file called ”logo.gif”: As the rmdir command, rm removes the file permanently INTRODUCTION LOG ON USER INTERFACE COMMANDS LIST OF COMMANDS USEFUL INFO QUIZ RESOURCES
E-module for UNIX List of commands Syntax: cp In this example, I have copied the file recipe.txt from the directory test to test2 INTRODUCTION LOG ON USER INTERFACE COMMANDS LIST OF COMMANDS USEFUL INFO QUIZ RESOURCES
E-module for UNIX List of commands Syntax: mv Example: Renaming recipe.txt to muffinrecipe.txt: mv recipe.txt muffinrecipe.txt Syntax: cat Lists contents of file to screen Other display commands: more- lists contents of file page by page less- same as more but includes additional options head- displays first 10 lines of file tail- displays last 10 lines of file Syntax: man Example man cd This is a very useful command. It explains what the command does and every additional option and argument you may include INTRODUCTION LOG ON USER INTERFACE COMMANDS LIST OF COMMANDS USEFUL INFO QUIZ RESOURCES
E-module for UNIX List of commands Syntax: clear This command clears screen and the window will look like it did when you opened it When using UNIX, things will go much more faster if you learn and use the following: To switch between previously used commands, use the up and down arrows If you f.ex are changing directory to documents, type cd do and hit TAB, then UNIX will fill out the rest of the name itself. If you have several directories that begins with do, UNIX lists all of them if you hit TAB once more Do not include special symbols or characters in file-and directory names. Such can be #, å, Do not use file- and directory names with an open space (instead of test file, use testfile or test_file) Useful info INTRODUCTION LOG ON USER INTERFACE COMMANDS LIST OF COMMANDS USEFUL INFO QUIZ RESOURCES
E-module for UNIX Resources As always when it comes to computing and computer related things, there is a large amount of information available on the Web. These sites may prove useful: Brukerkurs i UNIXBrukerkurs i UNIX (norwegian) Introduction to UNIX UNIX Tutorial Center WebopediaWebopedia (english computer encyclopedia) DataleksikonDataleksikon (norwegian computer encyclopedia) INTRODUCTION LOG ON USER INTERFACE COMMANDS LIST OF COMMANDS USEFUL INFO QUIZ RESOURCES
E-module for UNIX Quiz This section includes a quiz on the topics covered by this module. The quiz is meant as a control to see if you have learned some of the most important features Press object to start quiz INTRODUCTION LOG ON USER INTERFACE COMMANDS LIST OF COMMANDS USEFUL INFO QUIZ RESOURCES
E-module for UNIX User interface INTRODUCTION LOG ON USER INTERFACE COMMANDS LIST OF COMMANDS USEFUL INFO QUIZ RESOURCES Go back File Manager Personal Applications You can work in four separate windows doing multiple tasks Terminal Window; here is where you enter all commands Press button for info
E-module for UNIX About this module Title: E-module for UNIX Author: Jon Kleppe Assistant producer(s): Joachim Tro with help of Per Jørgen Dahl Svendsen Size: 1.7 mb Publication date: 2. January 2002 Abstract: Gives an introducion to Unix for use in Applied Computing in Geoscience and Petroleum Software required: PowerPoint XP/XP Viewer Level: 1 Estimated time to complete: 45 minutes INTRODUCTION LOG ON USER INTERFACE COMMANDS LIST OF COMMANDS USEFUL INFO QUIZ RESOURCES
E-module for UNIX On every page, you will find the title at the top, and a menu with the main chapters in bold to the left. These are hyperlinks which enable you choose the chapters in whichever order you wish to view them. Keep in mind that the module is set up in the order the author believes is most appropriate for study. These chapters are also represented with an illustration on the introduction slide linked to the appropriate chapter. The chapter you are currently viewing in is shown with this marker:, while the subchapter (when applicable) is highlighted in orange. Within the main frame (the white area), you’ll find text and illustrations as well as animations and videos etc. Many pictures have enlargement buttons near them. Help Navigation tools in the module Previous picture in an animation or sequence of pictures. Next picture in an animation or sequence of pictures. At bottom of the slide you’ll find a few standardised buttons which occur on every page (some may not be present in the module): shows the list of references. shows information about the module (e.g. author and assistant producer). shows a list of frequently asked questions if there are any. takes you to previously viewed slide. is linked to the previous chapter and slide, respectively. is linked to the next chapter and slide, respectively. you may turn off the sound, or turn it on (when available). you have figured it out! will end your session with the current module. If you have any problems, please let us know by sending an to Please include the title of module and description of the problem. We will respond as quickly as INTRODUCTION LOG ON USER INTERFACE COMMANDS LIST OF COMMANDS USEFUL INFO QUIZ RESOURCES