Eliminating Negative Internal Voice Pace 2 Employment I can’t… I’m not good enough… I’ll fail again…
It’s the voice of “self doubt” in your head The voice might undermine your confidence give you anxiety keep you from taking a chance cause you to undermine or end relationships prevent you from living your best life What is that voice? Pace 2 Employment
For true success ask yourself these four questions: Why? Why not? Why not me? Why not now?" ~ James AllenJames Allen
You need to replace the negative self-talk with positive self-talk Identify your ANT’s – Automatic Negative Thoughts and the triggers Don’t be all or nothing – manage your ANT’s don’t try and eliminate them all at once Look at it objectively – would you be this hard on a stranger How do I eliminate the voice?
Carry a 3x5 card with the word STOP written on one side and add positive affirmations to the reverse side Argue with Yourself Evidence: What is the objective evidence for this ANT? Exaggeration: Is this ANT an exaggeration? Am I over-reacting? Am I over-generalizing? Alternatives: What are some other possible explanations? Flexibility: Can I evaluate this situation in more flexible terms? Am I thinking in overly rigid, black-or-white, all-or-none terms? Utility: Is this belief empowering or counter-productive? Role reversal: How would I evaluate other people who performed as I did? Strategies
Taken from 1000 advices.com nking_neg2pos_5steps_sk.html The Meditation Mind ion-techniques-mailbag-eliminating-negative- self-talk/