2 nd February- Candlemas. In popular tradition, this day is called " the bear's day". It is believed that now is the time when winter stay face to face.


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Presentation transcript:

2 nd February- Candlemas

In popular tradition, this day is called " the bear's day". It is believed that now is the time when winter stay face to face with summer, fine weather of this day giving a warm summer and rich, while bad weather in this day show a cold summer, without a rich harvest. In this month on the second day, is celebrated God and Savior Jesus Christ, when Right Simeon receive him in his arms. In this day the Church celebrates an important event in the earthly life of our Lord Jesus Christ, forty days after his birth, the baby was taken to Holy Temple of Jerusalem, the center of religious life of the nation

In February 2, bear is out of his cave. If the weather is beautiful and the bear can see his shadow, is a sign that winter has gone and not coming back, but if not the bear return in his cave for another six weeks. If this evening will be full moon means that the year will be rich.