The CESCA Consortium Alfred Gil, HPC Support Scientist Barcelona, December 4th 2013 GENIUS kick off meeting
Centre de Serveis Científics i Acadèmics de Catalunya Public consortium created in 1991 Generalitat de Catalunya Fundació Institució Catalana de Suport a la Recerca Universitat de Barcelona Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Universitat Pompeu Fabra Universitat de Girona Universitat Rovira i Virgili Universitat de Lleida Universitat Oberta de Catalunya Universitat Ramon Llull Spanish National Research Council Singular Scientific and Technological Infrastructure (ICTS) since 2000 Until 2011, known as Centre de Supercomputació de Catalunya
From supercomputing in
… to the current porfolio of services
HPC for scientific (academic) groups Drug Design Service HPC for industrial and engineering Scientífic Computing Our services: High Performance Computing and Drug Dessign
Supercomputing Software Fluid Dynamics FDS OpenFOAM Genetics PhyloBayes RAxML TREE-PUZZLE TREEFINDER Astronomy EPIC GADGET-2 Life Sciences Adun Amber Autodock CPMD DL_POLY GROMACS NAMD LAMMPS Statistics GAUSS JAGS Octave R Computational Chemistry ADF CFOUR GAMESS Gaussian JAGUAR MOPAC Open Babel POLYRATE SIESTA NWChem ORCA SAPT TURBOMOLE Meteorology MM5 WRF Gnuplot MOLDEN Molekel Visualization NBOView NCAR Ncview ParaView XCrySDen VMD Libraries ACML ATLAS FFTW GA PETSc ScaLAPACK GSL HDF5 MKL NetCDF
Strengthening the Industry Calculation Centre Tecnològic de Manresa M. Dolors Riera JG Ingenieros Group Fire simulations Vanessa Escalona IDIADA Supercalculus Project Enric Aramburu MindtheByte Bioinformatics Alfons Nonell Start ESI Virtual Lab, LMS, STARCM+, STAR-HPC, Radtherm, LS-DYNA, OpenFoam 389,457 CH Start FDS 662 CH Start Gaussian, Python 14 CH Start Abaqus 5,033 CH
Scientific Computing hardware HP CP4000 (2005) 132 Opteron 275 DC (2,2 GHz) 528 GB; 9,41 TB; 580,80 Gflop/s SGI Altix UV 1000 (2011) 224 Xeon (2,66 GHz) cores 6,14 TB; 112 TB; 14,3 Tflop/s Shared memory BULL NovaScale (2008) 88 Xeon (3,0 i 2,66 GHz) 352 cores 1,66 TB; 52,66 TB; 4,06 Tflop/s InfiniBand High Performance Computing at CESCA
High Security Data Center Fire Detection and Extinction System Weigh control Single extinction area Panels and Self-Supporting Door Smart Shelter Product Acoustic attenuation Physical Intrusions Protection Wiring Aerial reconduction of the data wire Others Over Pressure Valve “Wall-crossing” Air renovation system Lighting new system High Security Modular Data Center Anti-fire protection (EN ) Anti-flooding protection (EN-60529) Physical intrusions protection (EN1627) Electromagnetic fields protection (EMC)
CESCA at GENIUS Simulations, aimed to test the system and validations Data mining, ask archive to obtain new knowledge Get expertise in the use of the technology –Hadoop cluster –Hive Community portal Design, development and hosting
Thank you for your attention! For more information: For more information: Contact: Gorka Roldan Project Coordinator