Rights, Relationships and Recovery – One year on Paul Martin Chief Nursing Officer.


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Presentation transcript:

Rights, Relationships and Recovery – One year on Paul Martin Chief Nursing Officer

Context  Mental Health a national priority  Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003  Kerr Report  National Programme for Mental Health & Wellbeing  Delivering for Health  Delivering Health, Enabling Care  Rights, Relationships and Recovery  Delivering for Mental Health – HEAT Targets  Focus on Health and Wellbeing – mental health still a national priority  Response to Kerr

AIMS?  To improve the quality of life for users and carers  To increase opportunities for social inclusion for users and carers  To build on the rights-based legislation  To provide better prevention, promotion care and recovery services that meet the mental and physical health needs of individuals  To link with other initiatives to drive a cohesive change agenda

What do we and service users want? We all want nurses who:  Care for us and about us as individuals  Who listen and who explain  Who develop relationships that inspire confidence and hope  Who are trained with the skills and techniques that match our needs and aid recovery

Don’t MH Nurses already offer this? Yes but…  We need to better appreciate that good care is often delivered under difficult, stressful circumstances  We need to build on what we have and always look for opportunities for further change and improvement  We need to develop a profession that is better skilled in psychological and psychosocial interventions  We need values based care and support - focussed on recovery  We need good access to education and on going training  We need good supervision and support  We need to retain our skilled people and benefit from their expertise  We need more people to take up ‘the leadership challenge’

Support for change?  National Implementation Steering Group  Local Implementation Groups  Financial support for NHS Boards and NES  Work streams led by NES, QIS and HEIs  Ongoing in-year monitor of progress  Annual report and conference  Education and training support

What change has happened?  Review of pre-registration programmes – working towards a new national framework  Student selection strategies are involving service users and carers  Values based training  Recovery focused care and treatment  Essential Shared Capabilities published  Competencies for working with CAMHS, older people and forensic settings  Access to flying start for all newly qualified nurses

What change has happened?  Supervision and leadership courses  Developing the role of Nurse Consultants in mental health in psychological therapies, dementia, eating disorder  Developing the role of support workers  Some nurses prescribing  Physical health of patients is being driven by nurses as is substance misuse  Reviews of care planning and documentation

Areas for Development  We need to be better at sharing good practice and using information  We need to measure change  We need local ownership and leadership of this agenda  We need to address new ways of delivering care – Tidal Model, recovery  We need support for change in acute, CAMHS and older people services  We need opportunities for planned rotational development  We need to develop community referrals  We need whole systems ways of working

What next?  We will reflect on the national and local positions and agree next steps and a timetable for action  We will discuss ongoing supports to drive this agenda forward locally, regionally and nationally  We will encourage innovation and sharing of good practice  We will build this agenda into the attention on patient safety and patient experience – using patient stories  We will support all measures to improve access to training and education with appropriate supervision and support

Last thoughts  Let’s all work together to build on the solid foundation and good work so far – Scotland is in a good position  Building on lessons learned  Let’s all work together to use the wider service delivery agenda to help deliver our objectives  Let’s lead from the front, advance together, and not push from behind!