Room D5 World History
Pre-Assessment (30 Min) Learners will take a 16 question MT 1 pre-assessment. We will then correct the pre-assessment together as a class. Understanding Classroom Procedures (50 Minutes) As a class, the LF will lead the class in creating a MT Notebook for MT 1: LT 1. The notebook should contain the following in this order: 1 MT Capacity Matrix, 5 pages of line paper, 2 pages of thinking maps, 3 pages of Handout #1 & #2 and a world map. Staple. LF went over how to read the Capacity Matrix and Class Expectations. AGENDA FOR DAY 1 AUGUST 18 TH ~ P. 1,2,3 AUGUST 19 TH ~P. 5, 6, 7
Warm Up Writing (10 Min) Describe... Different Perspectives (25 Min) Why is it important to be able to understand different perspectives? Learners will watch and write about a short video that explains the concept of multiple perspectives. Guided Note Taking and Highlighting Review (50 Minutes) “Republicans running for president in 2016 have their first TV debates” by Tribune Washington Bureau Learners will highlight and take notes on a short article about the 2016 Election. LT 1 DAY 2 AGENDA AUGUST 19 TH ~ P. 1 AUGUST 20 TH ~ P. 2, 3, 5. AUGUST 21TH~ P. 6, 7.
Magna Carta~ What are rights? Do you have them? How do you know? (20 Min) Magna Carta PPT and Video (30-40 Min) Magna Carta Handout #1 (30 Min) Day 3 Closure (5-7 Min) LT 1 DAY 3 AGENDA AUGUST 21 ST ~ P. 1, 2 AUGUST 24 TH ~ P. 3,5,6, AUGUST 25 TH ~ P. 7.
~Magna Carta Flash Back (10 Minutes) ~Learners will answer 5 questions that relate to the Magna Carta to refresh their memories. ~We will go over it in class. ~Magna Carta Reading and Question Time (60-65 Minutes) ~Learners will read, highlight and note take on the first Magna Carta handout. They will then answer questions and fill out their Thinking map for four terms. ~Closure Time (5-7 Minutes) LT 1 DAY 4 AGENDA AUGUST 25 TH ~ P. 1, 2 AND 3. AUGUST 26 TH ~ P. 5, 6 AND 7.
Divine Rights Discussion. (20 Min) One member of your group will now be your king. He can make any law he wishes. Why? I picked him to be your king. How do you feel about this? Do you think this is fair? Why or why not? Divine Right of Kings and English Bill of Rights (40 Min) Learners will learn about the main ideas of the English Bill of Rights Closure Activity (15 Min) LT 1 DAY 6 AGENDA AUGUST 28 TH ~P. 1. AUGUST 31 ST ~ P. 2,3. 5 SEPTEMBER 1 ST ~6, 7
~English Bill of Rights (60 Minutes) Learners will read, highlight and note take Handhout #2: The English Bill of Rights in order to gain knowledge regarding the events that led to the signing of the Bill. They will then answers questions based on the reading. ~Learning Target #1 Quiz Learners will one of four MC+Short Answer assessment to demonstrate knowledge of LT 1, Important Documents and their effects. LT 1 DAY 7 AGENDA SEPTEMBER 1 ST ~ P. 1, 2 SEPTEMBER 2ND~3,5,6 SEPT. 3 RD ~ P.7