HALLWAY EXPECTATIONS: PLEASE DO Use your time wisely Watch where you are walking Keep the flow of traffic going Use INSIDE voices Put your backpack IN YOUR LOCKER. String bags only in the hallway. Throw away any food or trash before entering the hallway. PLEASE DO NOT Clump up at intersections Waste time Run or horseplay Have phones or other electronic devices visible Have headphones visible Engage in PDA Bring any food or drink from the cafeteria or Student Store area in to the hallway. MAKING SURE WE ARE SAFE AND ON TIME
AGENDA: YOUR ORGANIZING TOOL Use your agenda to write ALL: Due datesDue dates HomeworkHomework School eventsSchool events Club meetingsClub meetings Weekend plansWeekend plans Planned study timePlanned study time You could use your phone as a back up, but your agenda is your primary organization tool. HELPFUL HINT: Don’t fill out your agenda in pen. Plans change and we will have to be flexible. This will NO LONGER BE YOUR HALL PASS (8 th graders, that’s something new from last year) Your teachers and principals will expect you to have your agenda with you EVERY DAY. You never know what kinds of rewards you can get for being prepared and organized, or what kinds of consequences there are for not being prepared and organized.
AGENDA: YOUR ORGANIZING TOOL Q: Do I have to have an agenda? A: YES! You must have an agenda to learn key organization skills and to help keep you prepared and successful this year! Rewards and consequences will follow all year. Q: How much is an agenda? A: A fancy new agenda can be yours for the low low cost of $5! Q: When can I get an agenda? A: Agendas will be for sale in the Library. On Thursday (August 20 – that’s tomorrow!) you will have a chance to purchase one during your Reading class. Q: What if I forget my money on Thursday? A: Lucky for you, you will have a second chance to buy an agenda on Friday (August 21) during Reading class, before school, after school, or during lunch from the Library. Q: What if I forget my money on Friday, too?? A: We want you to succeed! You will be able to buy an agenda from the Library before or after school or during lunch any day. But the sooner you get one the sooner you can get your year off to a great start! COUGARQ: Is it normal to be this excited about this school year?? A: OF COURSE IT IS WHEN YOU’RE A COUGAR !!
LUNCH TIME EXPECTATIONS: CAFETERIA Cell phones are allowed once you are INSIDE the cafeteria, not before (not in the hallway) Line up in pairs and wait for your turn Please DO NOT cut or clump in line Use INSIDE voices Clean up your mess – your maid is not here! You will not be permitted back in the hallways until lunch is over – NO LOCKER ALLOWED. You may place your belongings in the cubby area at your own risk. Use the bathroom across from the Counseling Center DO NOT bring food or drink into the hallways after breakfast or lunch. STUDENT STORE Cell phones are allowed once you are OUTSIDE Enter in the EAST doors and line up in pairs in the hallway Please DO NOT cut or clump in line Use INSIDE voices Clean up your mess – your maid is not here! You will not be permitted back in the hallways until lunch is over – NO LOCKER ALLOWED. Use the bathroom in the Student Store area. DO NOT bring food or drink into the hallways after breakfast or lunch INSIDE LUNCH: PICK A PLACE AND STAY THERE – EITHER THE CAFETERIA OR STUDENT STORE.