Human-Computer Interaction EHCI team: Engineering Human-Computer Interaction Laurence Nigay
Research theme Engineering for HCI Computer Science Cognitive Science Psychology Sociology
Multimodality Handheld devices Mixed Reality Plasticity New Interaction Techniques Research axes CSCW Devpt Process
Members ~ 30 members including 11 faculty members
Persuasive Mirror User Interfaces Research context: Ambient intelligence Topic: Human Computer Interaction Challenge: Invention of UIs that represent the user him/herself (‘mirror UIs’) in a way that changes him/her behavior (‘persuasive technology’) Expected results A state of the art (see a starting point at: A proof of concept A first experimental evaluation Gaëlle Calvary, Joëlle Coutaz & Rémi Barraquand (LIG)
Problem and its Importance: Resizable touchpad could help Adapt the interface to the workspace Adapt the interface to the precision required by the user Adaptability the interface to the expertise of the user Adaptation of the interface to the virtual world (the change in scale is perceived by the user through the tangible interface) We want to provide such a resizable touchpad Project Design 1D scalable touchpad Evaluate the interface for the manipulation of digital sketches Design and Evaluation of a Scalable Tangible Interface for Digital Model Manipulation Céline Coutrix
Novel Interaction Techniques: Enabling the User to Affectively Manipulate Objects Problem: Gestures in HCI are not only relevant for commands: they can be used to express emotions Importance: Useful for, e.g., communication or improving users’ performance or satisfaction Project: Investigate gestures as a cheap and non-intrusive affective modality for interacting with mobile devices or tangible objects Céline Coutrix
EHCI team Study projects PCARRE