Brief Summary of Fay and Golomb Ch. 4,5,6,7 3/12/13
Outline Fossil Fuels Combustion of Fossil Fuels Biomass, Synthetic Fuels Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Electrical Energy Generation, Transmission, Storage
Fossil Fuels Constitute 85% of World Energy Consumption Types: Natural Gas Petroleum Coal Fuel Heating Value (Heat of Combustion) Adiabatic Combustion or Flame Temperature T_Fad = T_rt + Hc/(sum_prods (n_i Cp(i)))
Combustion of Ethane C2H6 + 3.5 (O2 + 3.76 N2) = 2CO2 + 3H2O + 13.16 N2 Hc = 45.51 MJ/kg = 1425e3 J/mol Cp(CO2) = 54.3 J/mol K Cp(H2O) = 41.2 J/mol K Cp(N2) = 32.7 J/mol K T_rt = 298 K T_Fad = 2148 K
Biomass, Synthetic Fuels Biomass = Plant matter remains Synthetic Fuels = Fuels derived from Raw fuels (or from Biomass)
Fuel Cells & Hydrogen Electrochemical Cells (Anode, Cathode, Electrolyte) Hydrogen Fuel Cell (Fig. 4.1, p. 76) Potential Difference DPhi_c-a = (Df) M(H2/2 F Hydrogen as a Fuel
Electrical Energy Electricity Generation Electromechanical Systems P = I (4 pi f r L B) Transmission (Fig. 5.5, p. 92) Inversion and Rectification Storage Capacitors Batteries
Fossil Fuel Power Plants Produce 65% of World’s Electricity Large units (1000 MW) Basic Components Fuel Storage Boiler (including Burner) Turbine (Steam or Gas) Condenser (and Cooling Towers) Generator Emissions Control Systems
Nuclear Power Plants Produce ~ 25% of electricity worldwide Up to 400 plants worldwide Energy produced by Nuclear Fission and Chain Reaction Radioactivity alpha, beta, gammaradiation Radioactivity level (disintegrations/s ; Bq) Decay rate: N = No exp(-kt)
Nuclear Reactors Components Types Fuel Rods, Moderator, Control Rods, Coolant Types Boiling Water Pressurized Water Gas Cooled Breeder
Nuclear Fuel Cycle Mining & Refining Gasification & Enrichment Reaction Spent Fuel Reprocessing Waste Storage