Why School Wellness?
65% of American adults are overweight or obese.
1 in 3 kids are overweight or obese.
70-80% of overweight kids remain overweight as adults.
COLORADO One of the “fittest” states in the nation...
…but is that “fit” enough? …and how long will we stay that way?
Colorado has one of the lowest obesity rates in the US…..
…but also one of the fastest growing obesity rates in the US.
If these trends continue, by 2020…. 76% of Coloradans will be overweight or obese.
What About OUR Community?
We have…. Great walking & biking paths
We have…. Great walking & biking paths Access to local farmer’s markets
We have…. Great walking & biking paths Access to local farmer’s markets Outdoor activities galore
We have…. Great walking & biking paths Access to local farmer’s markets Outdoor activities galore Beautiful parks & playgrounds
We have…. Great walking & biking paths Access to local farmer’s markets Outdoor activities galore Beautiful parks & playgrounds 300 days of sunshine
But we still have a problem.
In OUR community: Obesity rates DOUBLED in just 10 years.
Now about ½ of adults are overweight or obese. Health District Community Health Survey
Only 1 in 4 adults eats 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Health District Community Health Survey
Half of adults do not get enough physical activity. Health District Community Health Survey
This is affecting our kids, too.
Healthy Hearts Club 2008Outcomes Report – Loveland, CanDo BMI Screenings In OUR community: About 1 in 4 kids are overweight or obese…
Less than 1/2 of elementary kids eat enough fruits and vegetables every day. Heartaware 2007 Outcomes Report - Loveland
Our kids are constantly exposed to… Fast Food Increasing Portion Sizes
Fast Food & Increasing Portion Sizes Candy Soda Cookies Muffins Chips Cakes Pies Cupcakes “It’s just a little treat.”
Our environment makes it EASY to eat poorly.
Kids need at least 60 minutes of physical activity daily. Over 1/2 of High School students say they get less than 30 minutes. Healthy Hearts Club 2007 Outcomes Report
50% of American homes have 3 or more TVs.
The average American watches 4 ½ hours of TV a day.
There’s a lot less… And a lot more…
Instead of playing outside, kids are… Watching TV Playing Video Games Surfing the Net
PE time is declining. Centers for Disease Control
Center on Education Policy Since 2001, 20% of schools have decreased recess time.
Our environment makes it EASY to be sedentary.
Poor nutrition, physical inactivity, and obesity can lead to… Poor self-esteem Depression High blood pressure High cholesterol Diabetes Asthma Osteoarthritis Cancer Sleep apnea Joint problems Renal complications Gallstones Liver fibrosis Polycystic ovarian syndrome (girls)
These effects are seen in kids as well as adults. Heartaware 2007 Outcomes Report 1 in 4 high school kids in our community has abnormal cholesterol levels.
Can we let this trend continue?
For the first time in history, kids may have a shorter lifespan than their parents.
These habits also affect a child’s ability to learn.
Physical activity helps kids learn by… - improving alertness - increasing attention - enhancing motivation - improving brain function
Physical activity boosts brain power by… - engaging nerve cells throughout the brain - sparking the development of new nerve cells in the brain - preparing nerve cells to bind to one another - increasing blood volume in the “memory” part of the brain
Good Nutrition leads to… …better concentration …increased attention …improved memory …better moods …less fatigue Improved Learning
OVERALL, HEALTHY KIDS… learn better miss fewer days have longer attention spans do better in school have better attitudes have fewer behavior problems
We need an environment that makes it EASY to be healthy.
Let’s work together… to make the healthy choice the easy choice !
© Coalition for Activity & Nutrition to Defeat Obesity