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College of Veterinary Medicine UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA OUTCOMES ASSESSMENT WITH CURRICULUM REVISION : HOW WILL WE KNOW IF WE HAVE ACCOMPLISHED OUR GOALS? Margaret V. Root Kustritz, DVM, PhD, DACT Professor, Vice-chair, Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Assistant Dean of Education Erin Malone, DVM, PhD, DACVS Associate Clinical Professor, Veterinary Population Medicine Laura Molgaard, DVM Associate Dean of Academic and Student Affairs Outcomes Assessment is use of measured results to validate meeting of specific goals in a curriculum, and use of those outcomes for continuous program improvement. The American Veterinary Medical Association Council on Education (COE) requires demonstration of outcomes assessment as part of the accreditation process. Some of the information regularly shared with the COE includes: -Student performance on the North American Veterinary Licensing Examination (NAVLE) (percent passing and total score) -Surveys of student completing the program at graduation and 6 and 18 months later -Surveys or focus groups of employers of our graduates -Process and results of Clinical Competency assessment using data from Rotation Grading / Competency Assessment forms Specific to the change in curriculum, outcomes will be measured to ensure the goals of the new curriculum are being met. These goals include: -Ensure changes are cost-effective or justified - Stimulate clinical reasoning / problem-solving / decision- making, promote retention with emphasis on day 1 knowledge and abilities and relevant assessments - Provide opportunities (faculty development and time in schedule) for active learning, critical thinking and hands-on (laboratory, external opportunities) - Optimize content - Core versus elective - Medical versus non-medical - Consider placement of material within courses and courses within semester and curriculum, with attention to vertical integration (medical and non-medical content) and conscious redundancy - Ensure health promotion and disease prevention are incorporated as topics in curriculum -Build on existing strengths -Build in checks/balances system to develop, adjust and maintain structure The following are examples of outcomes that will be measured with implementation of the new curriculum. Some are already being assessed so comparisons can be made between the old and new curricula. CONCERNASSESSMENT METHOD COSTMetric for cost of curriculum developed with input from departments STUDENT ABILITY TO ACHIEVE CLINICAL COMPETENCIES 1) comprehensive patient diagnosis (problem solving skills), appropriate use of clinical laboratory testing, and record management 2) comprehensive treatment planning including patient referral when indicated 3) anesthesia and pain management, patient welfare 4) basic surgery skills, experience, and case management 5) basic medicine skills, experience and case management 6) emergency and intensive care case management 7) health promotion, disease prevention/biosecurity, zoonosis, and food safety 8) client communications and ethical conduct 9) critical analysis of new information and research findings relevant to veterinary medicine. Rotation Grading / Competency Assessment form – individual deficiencies are tracked between rotations and students required to remediate deficiencies identified on three or more rotations. This data is collected through CoursEval and analyzed longitudinally on iDashboards. STUDENT ABILITY TO ACHIEVE TECHNICAL COMPETENCIES-Rotation Grading / Competency Assessment form -Universal technical skills list (pending) STUDENT ABILITY IN CLINICAL REASONINGLearning styles study evaluating movement from novice to master STUDENT KNOWLEDGENAVLE scores and percentage passing rate STUDENT WORKLOADElectronic tracking tool completed by student volunteers INCREASED OPPORTUNITIES FOR HANDS-ON, ACTIVE LEARNING, FEWER SCHEDULED HOURS IN CLASS -Direct comparison of scheduled hours -Student workload inventories -Semester coordinator to evaluate semester as a whole and track vertical integration of content and potential cooperative projects or assessments between courses CONTINUING OVERSIGHT TO PREVENT CURRICULAR DRIFT-Continuing responsibility of Semester coordinator and Assistant Dean of Education