Topic Maps and 1.Content Packaging/SCORM 2. Learning Design Bill Olivier Director, CETIS
IMS Content Package Directory Directory* File imsmanifest.xml
IMS Content Package Structure manifest metadata organizations organization* item* (items reference resources) item* resources resource* file* manifest* (sub-manifests of included sub-packages)
The Organization Tree Structure This was originally chosen because –Everyone understood it –It was easy to implement –So everyone could agree Multiple organization elements were allowed to provide multiple ways of structuring the same content (allows several ‘chapter selections’) But it was considered a starting point and it was expected that different ways of organising content would appear in future. That was So far LD is the only alternative What about Topic Maps?
Could we have an XTM CP? manifest metadata organizations XTM resources resource* file* manifest* (sub-manifests of included sub-packages)
Or Both? XTM another ‘organisation’? manifest metadata organizations XTM organization* item* (items reference resources) item* resources resource* file* manifest* (sub-manifests of included sub-packages)
Or Should a Topic Map replace the MANIFEST? Directory Directory* File imsmanifest.xml XML Topic Map
Or be in addition to the manifest? Directory Directory* File imsmanifest.xmlXML Topic Map
Topic Maps and LD First a reminder of LD
The Dynamics of Learning Design play Act 1Act 2Act 3Act 4Act 5 Role-part 1 Role-part 2 Role-part 3 Role-part … Role Activity Environment Learning objects Learning services Activity- Description
Sub Parts of Learning Design components roles learner* staff* activities learning-activity* environment-ref* activity-description support-activity* activity-structure* {sequence|selection} environment-ref* activity-ref* activity-structure-ref* environments environment* learning-object* service* mail-send* conference* environment-ref* method play* act* role-parts* role-ref activity-ref
Activity Structure activity-structure activity activity-structure
Activity Structure activity-structure activity Sequence activity-structure activity Selection Can set selection to be: - any 1 - any 2 - or all 3 (i.e. order unimportant)
Activity Structure Mixed activity-structure 1 (sequence) activity 1 activity-structure 2 (selection) activity 3
Activity Structure Mixed activity-structure 1 activity 1 activity 3 activity-structure 2 activity 2.1 activity 2.2 activity 2.3 activity-structure 1 (sequence) activity 1 activity-structure 2 (selection) activity 2.1 activity 2.2 activity 2.3 activity 3
Topic Maps and LD Activities activity-structure 1 activity 1 activity 3 activity-structure 2 activity 2.1 activity 2.2 activity 2.3 Knowledge Layer (Why) Activity Layer (How) Pre-requisite Knowledge Sub-types Learn-by
Current LD in CP manifest metadata organizations learning-design resources resource* file* manifest* (sub-manifests of included sub-packages)
Add XTM to LD CP manifest metadata organizations XTM learning-design resources resource* file* manifest* (sub-manifests of included sub-packages) Topic-occurrences point to LD activities and activity-structures
How? 1.Produce a Topic Map Profile of CP/SCORM 1.Name space XTM into manifest schema 2.Specify that occurrences must point to resource elements 2.Produce a Topic Map Profile of LD 1.Name space XTM into manifest schema 2.Specify that occurrences must point to activities or activity structures If IMS won’t play ball, then produce a profile that: 1.Includes XTM as a file in a CP (maybe always the first resource and no organisation) 2.Points into the manifest with a bare XPointer
How? 1.Add topic map editing to CP/SCORM/LD editor (e.g. RELOAD) 2.Provide a viewer 3.Provide a Topic Map ‘navigator’ view 4.Provide learners with a topic map editor/viewer 5.Provide tools for –Exchanging –Comparing –Merging 6.Provide good examples of use as use cases 7.Submit to IMS / or other standards body
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