Cassidy Culligan Digital Citizenship Project ED 505
Netiquette on Social Media Unwritten rules of social communication Comes from the words network and etiquette Social code of the internet How you say “what you want” to your friends
Netiquette DO’S –Do everything in moderation –Sharing lets others know you care –Share accurate info. –Correct mistakes –Show love –Respect privacy DON’TS –Don’t hate, be positive –Don’t curse –Don’t disrespect –Don’t lie, always tell the truth
Copyright & Fair Use Copyright –Ownership that protects work such as books, movies, photographs, music, video games, etc. –Must be fixed in a physical form for a period of time, no matter how brief Fair Use –Copying of copyrighted material done for a limited and transformative purpose, such as to comment upon, criticize, or parody a copyrighted work –Can be done without permission
Differences… Fair use is a defense against a claim of copyright infringement The court uses four factors to determine whether it is fair use or not For copyright, the work must be original and created by the author Copyright can only be looked over when the fair use rule is in effect with the purpose of the use serves the ends of scholarship, education or an informed public
Fair Use Rules The purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes The nature of the copyrighted work The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole The effect of the use upon the potential market for, or value of, the copyrighted work copyrighted work
Plagiarism to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own to use (another's production) without crediting the source to commit literary theft to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source
How to avoid plagiarism? Come up with original ideas Make reference to work that has already been published Plan your paper and take proper notes Know how to paraphrase Analyze and evaluate sources If in doubt, cite sources
Ways that technology help teachers stop plagiarism: Online sources such as Cut and paste sentences into a search engine Keep track of references throughout the paper
Safety on the Internet Learning to recognize the warning signs of these risks: –Identity theft- always pay attention, don’t get fooled by false websites, spams, and offers, closely examine any site that asks for personal information, watch clicking on pop-ups and downloading online sources –Reputation management- don’t reveal too much information:etc. home address, phone number, private thoughts, pictures, and feelings
Safety on the Internet –Passwords- some websites will offer protection, don’t use a password that has any part of your name in it, don’t use any password that is easily recognizable –Cyberbullying- common forms: flaming and trolling, happy-slapping, identity theft, photoshopping, physical threats, and rumor spreading –Cyberstalking- avoid putting personal information on the internet, stay away from people asking a lot of questions
Safety on your Computer Viruses- attaches itself to a file and spreads through the computer, make sure your computer is always protected by an antivirus program, make sure you keep it up to date also. Phishing- relies on pop-ups, spam, and fake websites to obtain personal information. Etc. login-information and credit card numbers.
Safety on your Computer Trojan horses- appears to be useful software but will do damage once installed, can cause serious damage, does not reproduce Worms- spread from computer to computer and across networks, can replicate itself and send out to all addresses in address book and then send out to everyone in their address book
Resources Ellen, S. (1999). How to avoid plagiarism using technology. Retrieved from plagiarism-using-technology.html plagiarism-using-technology.html What is Plagiarism? (n.d.) Retrieved November 20, 2012, from sources/whats-a-citation sources/whats-a-citation Stim, R. (2010). Copyright and fair use. Retrieved from se_Overview/index.html se_Overview/index.html U.S. Copyright Office. (2012). Retrieved from
Resources Smith, K. (August 31, 2012). 11 Basic steps you should take to keep your computer safe. Retrieved from mac-safety ?op=1 mac-safety ?op=1 Chiles, D. (2011). Everything in Moderation. Retrieved from erything_in_moderation.html erything_in_moderation.html Wang, C.B. (2001). Basic internet safety. Retrieved from Beal, V. (2011). The difference between a computer virus, worm, and Trojan horse. Retrieved from /virus.asp