18-Nov-15 / 1 Strategic planning for hydropower in the Danube Sergiy Moroz WWF European Hydropower Summit, Bucharest 28 February 2012 Water and energy
Content –Introduction –Strategic and project planning –Key NGO proposals 18-Nov-15 / 2
Negative impacts
Legislative triangle Prevent deterioration / achieve good status / potential (2015) Halt biodiversity loss / restore (2020) Meet 20/20/20 goal (20% renewables by 2020)
Way forward Contribution of hydropower to meeting the region´s Renewable Energy targets About 30% of Danube basin river stretches and 85% of Danube in or along Protected Areas Wave of new hydropower stations in the pipeline, many in ecologically important river stretches without careful planning, conservation values threatened, water quality status will deteriorate while energy challenges remain
Strategic and project planning
Integrated planning Integrated sustainable energy policy (energy saving, other renewable technologies…) Strategic planning upfront information on no go /non-favourable areas (see Water Directors Statement 2010, Hydropower Workshop Conclusions 2011) integrate water / energy / nature conservation objectives Planning on (sub-)basin level, but national plans can apply stricter conservation criteria
Strategic planning Strategic planning criteria: Non-deterioration of water quality/status halting loss of biodiversity (e.g. endemic spec., habitats of global/EU/national importance) Protect existing and potential longitudinal and lateral continuity/connectivity –migration of fish and invertebrates (benthos) –sediment (bedload) transport –Rivers / sections prioritised for restoration (floodplain restoration)
Strategic planning
Strategic planning tools Rigorous application of WFD art 4.7, Habitats Directive art. 6, SEA, EIA Raise capacity (where necessary) of and involve stakeholders Ensure proper legislative framework, independent monitoring & enforcement Consider environmental resource costs and values of ecosystem services in cost-benefit analyses
Market tools Feed-in tariffs (and other incentives) mandatorily linked to ecological criteria Stringent eco-electricity labels (e.g. nature made star) linked to ecological criteria
Timisoara, 21 Feb Key NGO proposals
Timisoara, 21 Feb Key NGO asks For immediate action: All high ecological status river stretches must be „no go“ River stretches in an along Protected Areas are by definition and law of high conservation value and should therefore be kept free of hydropower development to the largest possible extend
Timisoara, 21 Feb. 2012
Key NGO asks Next steps: governments & stakeholders develop integrated criteria for identifying no go / not or less favourable areas for hydropower development on basin-wide scale Map those areas 2 nd DRBM Plan develop and apply strategic planning mechanisms on national level within basin- wide (trans-boundary) framework
Thank you 18-Nov-15 / 19
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