PIANC Seminar : Navigating the Water Framework Directive Partners in the PIANC-led Task Group include the Central Dredging Association (CEDA), European Barge Union (EBU), European Boating Association (EBA), European Community of Shipowners Associations (ECSA), European Dredging Association (EuDA), European Federation of Inland Ports (EFIP), European Marine Industries Group (EURMIG), European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO), and Inland Navigation Europe (INE) 31st January Brussels, Belgium
08:30Opening registration 09:30 Welcome and introduction Eric Van den Eede, PIANC 09:35 The EU Water Framework Directive : an Overview Peter Gammeltoft, EU Commission - DG Environment 09:55 Ports, Navigation and the Common Transport Policy Jean Trestour, DG Tren Motorways of the Sea 10:15The Water Framework Directive and legal (un)cer- tainty for port and waterway authorities and private investors Eric van Hooydonk, University of Antwerp 10:35Questions 10:45Coffee Break
11:15 Ecological Targets, Intercalibration and GEP Peter Pollard, SEPA 11:35 Proposed Priority Substances Daughter Directive Stephen Hull, ABP Mer 11:55Progress with River Basin Planning Marieke Van Nood, DG Env 12:15Discussion 12:30Lunch Break
14:00 Effects of sediment transport and other hydro- morphological processes in river beds, and their importance for WFD objectives Georg Rast, WWF 14:20 Sediment Management: an Essential Element of River Basin Management Axel Netzband, SedNet Steering Group - Chair 14:40 Sediments and the WFD: Practical Challenges Jose Luis Fernandez, Port Authority of Sevilla 15:00Questions 15:10Two-minute stakeholder statements 15:30Discussion 16:00Tea WORKSHOP I : SEDIMENT MANAGEMENT AND RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT PLANNING
14:00 Maritime Policy and the WFD: Managing the Interface Yves Auffret, EU Commission, Maritime Policy Task Force 14:20 Practical Aspects of EU Maritime Policy and the Marine Strategy Directive Pim de Wit, Port of Rotterdam 14:40 Selecting indicators within the EU Marine Strategy and WFD contexts Benoit Beliaeff, IFREMER, France 15:00Questions 15:10Two-minute stakeholder statements 15:30Discussion 16:00Tea WORKSHOP II : EU MARITIME STRATEGY AND THE WFD
14:00 Dealing with hydromorphological issues: the Danube experience Philip Weller, ICPDR 14:20 Hydromorphology, Navigation and Seaport Development Jan Brooke, PIANC 14:40 Practical Challenges in Delivering Hydromorpholo- gical Improvements Hendrik Havinga, Rijkswaterstaat, Netherlands 15:00Questions 15:10Two-minute stakeholder statements 15:30Discussion 16:00Tea WORKSHOP III : DELIVERING WFD-COMPLIANT HYDROMORPHOLOGICAL CHANGE
16:30 Workshop I: Sediment Management and River Basin Management Planning Neville Burt, CEDA 16:40 Workshop II: EU Maritime Strategy and the WFD Patrick Verhoeven, ESPO 16:50 Workshop III: Delivering WFD-Compliant Hydromor- phological Change Jean Trestour, DG Tren 17:00 WFD Implementation: Opportunities and Challenges for Ports and Navigation Fritz Holzwarth, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety 17:20Closing remarks Eric van Den Eede, PIANC 17:30Close PLENARY