OGC HydroDWG Orléans Workshop – European IT Water strategy discussion BRGM, CEH, BAFG
EU layer > Inspire : Hydrography, Environmental Monitoring Facilities, Geology-Hydrogeology … themes We’ll see what comes up out of it. No coordination specific to the water domain the 3 themes above are in different maintenance cluster and I don’t speak about Biodiv related themes! Surely end up with having mapping agencies providing the “River Network”, many agencies/labs providing the MonitoringFacilities (thus the observations), … OGC HydroDWG Orléans Workshop – > 2
EU layer > Environmental mandatory reportings : WFD, Nitrates, … : None of them require to report actual observations on the field For now, none is based on Inspire specs. Most of them are isolated in independent silos “pseudo-static”’ data transfert (reporting) as done by putting a reportingEnveloppe on reportNet not webservice oriented (ex : OGC) not really linked to Membser States (MS) national/regional information system Reported information to the EU level is not dynamically reusable by MemberStates (ex : OGC web services). OGC HydroDWG Orléans Workshop – > 3
EU layer > WISE State Of the Environment (SoE) voluntary reporting : Includes observations, Another silo from the ones mentioned above. Not based on Inspire specs. “pseudo-static”’ data transfert (reporting) as done by putting a reportingEnveloppe on reportNet not webservice oriented (ex : OGC) not really linked to Membser States (MS) national/regional information system Reported information to the EU level is not dynamically reusable by MemberStates (ex : OGC web services). OGC HydroDWG Orléans Workshop – > 4
National level > Water Information systems I don’t know one that really embraced the OGC approach : correct me if I’m wrong Most of them re-invent their own wheel. Or invented it before some OGC standards but did not push it to the OGC process Tiny interoperability And it seems hard to change things in each country (some may be running for decades). Q° : do they actually meet their public nationally ? – Feedback from the French WIS users OGC HydroDWG Orléans Workshop – > 5
River basin level > International Commissions for the protection of a given River Ex : ICPR – Rhin, ICPDR – Danube, … Another system, another set of rules, Tiny interoperability with national water information systems OGC HydroDWG Orléans Workshop – > 6
The 2 € question > What can we do to steer all this into a common IT direction so that our domain expert can really do their work ? OGC HydroDWG Orléans Workshop – > 7 Inspire-Hy Inspire-GE Inspire-EF EU-WFD EU-Nitrates EU-Waste Water Treatment National Water Information Systems International Commissions
And associated sub-questions > What hinders success Lack of standards, or dynamic toward more standards ? Should we standardise the mediation ? Lack of « plug & play » tools implementing those standards. Either Server or Client Side. Not enough involvment of software vendors/open source communities ? Lack of accessibility of those standards ? Should we lower the barrier &/or train people ? Lack of incentive/coordination at ministries levels ? A « my standard is better than yours » issue ? Others ? OGC HydroDWG Orléans Workshop – > 8