National Info Day 1st call of Interreg DANUBE 9 th October 2015 Prague.


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Presentation transcript:

National Info Day 1st call of Interreg DANUBE 9 th October 2015 Prague

1.How to develop a Project Intervention Logic 2.How to fill the Expression of Interest 3.Application and assessment procedures Agenda

Result Orientation  Reinforced and (more) systematic approach to ensure direct contribution of projects to achieve Specific Objectives and Programme Objectives  Stringent alignment of projects and Programme regarding  Objectives  Results  Outputs  Exact quantification of project outputs through a set of limited, pre-defined output indicators 1. Project Intervention Logic

Specific Objective X [ … ] Result Indicator Intensity of cooperation of key actors and stakeholders in the Danube area … Output Indicators - Nr. of strategies - Nr. of tools - Nr. of pilot actions - Nr. of documented learning interactions Project Project Main Objective Contribution to Programme Specific Objective Project Result Contribution to Programme Result Indicator Project Outputs Contribution to Programme Output Indicators Project Specific Objectives Contribution to Project Main Objective Guidelines for EoI AM part 6 III 1. Project Intervention Logic Programme Programme Mission Targets (semi-quantitative) Targets (quantitative) EoI, part 6

Specific Objective X [ … ] Project Intervention Logic - Objectives Project Main Objective  What is the intended strategic, long-term change?  Definition of only one concise main objective  Description of the contribution of the main objective to the Programme Specific Objective Project Specific Objectives  What are the immediate effects of the project?  Definition of up to three concrete sub-objectives  Description of the contribution of the specific objectives to the project main objective 1. Project Intervention Logic

Project Intervention Logic – Result Programme Result Indicator Intensity of cooperation of key actors and stakeholders in the Danube area … Project Result  What is the benefit of using the project outputs?  Description of one concise result only  Description of the contribution of the project result to the Programme Result Indicator

1. Project Intervention Logic Programme Output Indicators - Nr. of strategies - Nr. of tools - Nr. of pilot actions - Nr. of documented learning interactions Project Intervention Logic - Outputs Project Outputs  What has been produced for the money given?  Project outputs have to contribute to one compulsory programme output indicator (documented learning interactions)  … and have to contribute to one up to max. 4 further programme output indicator

AM, Part 6, pp 13 Programme Output Indicators - Nr. of strategies - Nr. of tools - Nr. of pilot actions - Nr. of documented learning interactions Project Outputs OutputValue 1 Danubian strategy for (…) based on 8 country reports1 8 4 local action plans (for 4 pilots)4 1 E-learning platform1 1 internal project management manual1 Pilot implementation of action plans in 4 sites4 Implementation 1 E-learning course (4 X 25 particip.) Intervention Logic – Outputs 1. Project Intervention Logic

Output Indicators AM, Part 6, pp 13 Documented learning interaction  process of acquiring institutional knowledge through transnational cooperation addressing common problems and\or challenges in a specific field -E.g. capacity building measures, e-learning platforms, peer-reviews … -Mandatory horizontal output indicator; each projects has to implement at least one (recommended: three) learning interactions! -Documented means that physical proofs that such a learning process has been implemented Strategy  Should start with the definition of joint problems/ challenges and set up clear mid and long term objectives reflecting the common vision of the Danube Region in a specific field.  Should aim at policy integration in the Danube area in the selected fields and act as policy drivers below EU level but above national level.  Action plans break down the strategy goals and objectives into specific actions.

1. Project Intervention Logic Output Indicators AM, Part 6, pp 13 Tool  means for achieving a specific task. Tools should be jointly developed at transnational level and be innovative.  Tools can be tangible (physical or technical objects) and intangible (methods, concepts or services). -e.g. analytical tools, management tools, software tools, monitoring tools, decision support tools, technical tools Pilot action  practical implementation of newly developed solutions (e.g. services, tools, methods or approaches, even an investment)  has an experimental nature which aims at testing, evaluating and/or demonstrating the feasibility and effectiveness of a scheme Deliverable: side product or service contributing to the development of an output →All products under WP1 and WP2 are deliverables

2. How to fill the EoI  Expression of Interest (EoI) is part of the “Applicants Package” consisting in: -Cooperation Programme (CP) -Applicants Manual (AM) -Guidance for EoI (+ Call announcement)  Base the filling of the EoI on a sound understanding of CP and AM! -Contact NCP or JS in case of any question!  Don’t leave the filling of the EoI for the very last moment!  Don’t leave the submission of EoI for the very last moment (technical constraints might hamper submission on time)! Guidance for EoI

3. Application and Assessment  1 st step -Opening of the CfP on 23 rd of September Submission of a “light” Expression of Interest; focus on the strategic relevance of a project (and less on operational details) -Deadline for submission on 3 rd of November (EoI only, no additional \ original documents required)  2 nd step -Submission of a full Application Form by pre-selected projects; balanced focus on strategic and operational elements -Deadline for submission expected for the 2 nd quarter of Submission includes additional \ original documents such as a partnership agreement (anticipate time needed for providing documents and related signatures…!) -Limited flexibility for modifying projects between 1 st to 2 nd step!! 2-step application procedure AM, Part 5

3. Application and Assessment Changes between 1st and 2nd step  Lead Partner cannot be changed!!  Partnership: -For partnerships with up to 10 partners, a replacement or withdrawal of max 2 partner is allowed -For partnerships with up to 15 partners, a replacement or withdrawal of total max 3 partners is allowed -For partnerships larger than 15 partners, a replacement or withdrawal of total max 4 partners is allowed -No limitation for adding partners, in case this contributes to the quality of the partnerships and does not affect the basic character of the project

3. Application and Assessment Assessment – 1st step A) Eligibility check: 7 compulsory yes\no criteria B) Quality check: 8 scored criteria, each 0-5 points 6 Strategic criteria, max. 30 points -Intervention Logic -Partnership -…. > 60% < 60% 2 Operational criteria, max. 10 points -Budget -Work plan >74% Direct invitation 2 nd step 74% - 60% Invitation decided by MC < 60% AM, Part 5

3. Application and Assessment Assessment - Eligibility NrEligibility criteriaDescription 1 The EoI has been submitted within the set deadline (date and time) The EoI has been submitted within the date and time set in the call announcement. 2 The EoI has been submitted through the official DTP website The EoI has been submitted through the specific section of the official DTP website. 3The EoI is compiled in English All parts of the EoI are compiled in English, as the official language of the DTP. 4 Partnership is composed by at least three financing partners from at least three participating countries of which at least one (the LP) is located in a Member State Partnership complies with the minimum requirement for a transnational DTP partnership: at least three financing partners (receiving ERDF or IPA co- financing) from at least three participating countries, of which at least one the Lead Partner is located in a Member State. 5 Lead Applicant is an eligible beneficiary The Lead Applicant fulfils the requirement set in Part 2, section II of the Applicants Manual. 6 The proposal contributes to the programme objectives/mission and the programme priorities. The proposal clearly addresses the Programme mission. It clearly focuses on and contributes to the selected priority.. 7 The proposal contributes to at least two programme output indicators The proposal contributes to the horizontal output indicator predefined in the EoI and to at least another programme output indicator. AM, Part 5

3. Application and Assessment Assessment – Quality /strategic Assessment main questionsGuiding questionsPoints Are the territorial needs and challenges identified and duly justified? Are the territorial needs/ challenges coherently described? 5 points Is the proposal clearly addressing the needs/ challenges? Are the described needs/ challenges relevant for achieving the programme objectives? Is the intervention logic coherent? Is the project intervention logic coherent with the programme one? 5 points Is the project main objective clearly contributing to achieving the selected programme specific objective? Are the envisaged activities expected to reach the planned result? To which extent the proposal contributes to an EU strategy or policy? Is the project concretely contributing to a programme relevant EU strategy/ policy (other than EUSDR) in the thematic field addressed by the project? 5 points Does the project clearly contribute to one or more Priority Areas as set out in the Action Plan of the EUSDR? Does the project provide clear value added regarding the achievement of actions and/or targets defined for one or more EUSDR Priority Areas? Is the partnership composition relevant, justified and balanced for the proposed project? Is the partnership representing the right mix of countries and competences according to the project topic? 5 points Is the partnership balanced and not overly dominated by one country? Is the Lead Applicant experienced and competent to lead the partnership? Is the need for transnational cooperation demonstrated? Does the project have a clear transnational dimension/impact? 5 points Is the added value of the transnational cooperation clearly described? Is the target group defined and has ownership of the project results? Is the target group clearly identified? 5 points Does the proposal clearly explain how the target group will integrate/use the project results? Are the durability and transferability of its results clearly ensured? Total30 points AM, Part 5

3. Application and Assessment Assessment – Quality /operational Assessment main questionsGuiding questionsPoints Is the work plan realistic, consistent and coherent? Is the proposed timetable coherent and realistic? 5 points Are the planned activities realistic and coherent with the overall methodology? Is the work plan well-structured and mature? Does the project budget demonstrate value for money? Is the overall requested amount coherent with the proposed activities, outputs and partnership? 5 points Is the budget of each WP coherent with the planned activities and involved partners? Total10 points AM, Part 5

3. Application and Assessment Assessment – final considerations  Sound understanding of the assessment procedure / criteria helps to develop a project proposal in a more “targeted” way  Small differences in scoring can make a big difference … all sections of the EoI should be carefully elaborated  Self-assess your project proposal in a critical manner and reserve enough time for revisions and adjustments

Johannes Gabriel Project Officer Joint Secretariat | Danube Transnational Programme Honvéd utca – 1055 Budapest, Hungary Tel: Contact