Usher got some Pectorals like Wow Oh Wow
PECTORALS Made up of two muscles: Pectoralis Major Pectoralis Minor Large fan-shaped muscle on the anterior (front) of the body, makes up the majority of the chest muscles Pectoralis Minor Thin triangular muscle located beneath the pectoralis major
Anatomy of the Pectorals ORIGIN Pectoralis Major Sternum (breastbone) Pectoralis Minor Middle ribs INSERTION (for both the pectoralis major and minor) Pecotralis Major Humerus (upper arm bone) Scapula (shoulder blade)
What do the Pectoral Muscles Do? Pectoralis Major Main function is to bring the humerus across the chest Pectoralis Minor Moves the shoulder area forward (shrug shoulders forward) Other Functions Rotate the arm inwards Pull the arm from above the head down and pull the arm from the side upwards.
Common Pectoral Injuries Most common is a torn pectoral muscle Most likely to rupture at the point where it inserts into the arm (humerus) Very debilitating Rarely return back to full strength Often requires surgical Often seen in people who use anabolic steroids Minor tears result in minimal bruising Major tears result in the balling of the muscle towards the sternum
Common Pectoral Injuries Causes Progressing from low weights to very heavy weights too quickly when lifting Improper lifting techniques Forgetting to stretch the muscle before lifting or participating in sports Sudden contact with the ground or with another player while participating in sports Lifting Items that are too heavy
Common Pectoral Injuries Prevention Appropriate progression from low to high weights when completing a weight lifting program Use of proper techniques and range of motion for all lifts Proper warm-up and stretching of the pectoral muscle before lifting or participating in sports Strengthening the muscles so they can withstand more impact if participating in sports Not lifting items that are too heavy for the muscle to handle
Exercises Barbell Bench Press Dumbbell Bench Press Incline Bench Press Decline Bench Press Dumbbell Fly Dumbbell Incline Bench Press Stability Ball Dumbbell Fly Stability Ball Dumbbell Press Machine Chest Fly Machine Chest Press Push-ups
Barbell Bench Press
Dumbbell Bench Press
Incline Bench Press
Decline Bench Press
Dumbbell Fly
Dumbbell Incline Bench Press
Stability Ball Dumbbell Fly
Stability Ball Dumbbell Press
Machine Chest Fly
Machine Chest Press