TB Management: A Medical Aid Perspective presented by Dr Noluthando Nematswerani
Agenda 1.Background 2.TB as a PMB 3.Current challenges 4.Proposed solutions
Background WHO Global TB Report 2009 TB is a major public health problem 9.27 million new cases per year 2 million deaths per year HIV epidemic in Sub-Saharan Africa
TB and HIV Leading causes of mortality and morbidity 70 % of all TB patients in SA are HIV positive
MDR TB This is a growing clinical and public concern cases worldwide in 2006 Defined as resistance to at least INH and Rifa Treatment is expensive and complex Greatest risk factor is history of prior treatment for TB
Orenstein et al Lancet Infect Dis studies were included Better outcomes when treatment was longer than 18 months combined with DOT throughout the treatment (12 studies)
XDR - TB Defined as resistance to INH, Rifa, any fluoroquinolone and at least one of three of the second line injectable drugs (kanamycin, amikacin or capreomycin) As of June 2008 – XDR found in 49 countries
Rapid diagnosis Initiation of treatment Respiratory isolation Strategy for prevention and control of XDR TB
TB as a PMB Diagnosis and acute medical management; successful transfer to maintenance therapy in accordance to DOH guidelines
Current Challenges TB is a notifiable disease Availability of forms to private treating doctors Lack of follow-up in the private sector Limited access to TB medication in the private sector Retail pharmacy Medical aid funding
Proposed solutions Establishment of private sector TB clinics for treatment and follow-up
. Thank you