Classification Traffic lights quiz Hold up the coloured card that matches the correct answer you see on the screen
How do scientists classify organisms? Using a key Using a lock Using a door
How do scientists classify organisms? Using a key
What is not an example of a characteristic? Where an organism lives What the organism eats Its name
What is not an example of a characteristic? Its name
A tree is in which kingdom? Animalia Fungi Plantae
A tree is in which kingdom? Plantae
Humans have a backbone. Which phylum is this? Invertebrate Vertebrate No vertebrae
Humans have a backbone. Which phylum is this? Vertebrate
Fish are classified by this feature: Have lungs and gills Have gills and cold blooded Have dry scales and warm blooded
Fish are classified by this feature: Have gills and cold blooded
A snake is not: A reptile An invertebrate A vertebrate
A snake is not: An invertebrate
A bacteria has no true: Cell membrane Life Nucleus
A bacteria has no true: Nucleus
This is not an amphibian Frog Toad Whale
This is not an amphibian Whale
A dolphin is in class: Fish Mammal Amphibian
A dolphin is in class: Mammal
Birds lay: Eggs that have a hard shell Eggs that have a leathery shell Eggs that have a spongy covering
Birds lay: Eggs that have a hard shell