Aquarius: place where scientists go for undersea research undersea: in the ocean research: learning and finding new things
Fish: -gills -fins -breathe underwater -many different types
Shark: -fins -gills -lots of teeth -big, pointy fin on back -type of BIG fish
Dolphin: -fins -no gills -tall, rounded fin on back -cannot breathe underwater -blowhole
Whale: -fins -no gills -fluke tail -blowhole -cannot breathe underwater -really, really BIG
Habitat: place where wild animals like to live Undersea Habitat: -seaweed -sand -coral
Images courtesy of google image search: seaweed seaweed tale--ton-mammal-lands-yacht/#.UFE20Y2PWSohttp:// tale--ton-mammal-lands-yacht/#.UFE20Y2PWSo bottlenose-dolphin-underwater-providenciales.htmhttp:// bottlenose-dolphin-underwater-providenciales.htm 8. life/great-white.htm life/great-white.htm ium.JPG ium.JPG base-worlds-only-undersea-lab-falls-victim-to-budget- ax/2012/07/24/gJQAKB1U6W_story.htmlhttp:// base-worlds-only-undersea-lab-falls-victim-to-budget- ax/2012/07/24/gJQAKB1U6W_story.html