Steve Semo
- A carbon footprint is equal to ones own effect on the environment. It relates to the amount of greenhouse gasses produced by performing everyday activities. - It is measured in tonnes (or kg) of carbon dioxide produced in a certain amount of time.
Knowing your Carbon Footprint is key to reducing the amount of greenhouse gasses that you produce. Your carbon footprint is your primary (emissions that you directly control) and secondary (emissions caused by the things you buy and use) footprints added together.
Home – Gas, Oil, and Coal Home – Electricity Private Transport Public Transport Holiday Flights Share of Public Services Financial Services Recreation and Leisure House – Buildings and Furnishings Car Manufacture and Delivery Clothes and Personal Effects Food and Drink
Change over to a green energy supplier. Turn all electric appliances off when they are not in use. Turn down your heat slightly. Turn down water heat settings. Only use dishwasher at a full load. Unplug things that charge as soon as they are done charging. Hang out the wash. Do your shopping in a single trip. Walk or ride bikes. Do activities that don’t involve electricity.
Bibliography Carbon Footprint Calculator - What's My Carbon Footprint ?." The Nature Conservancy - Protecting Nature, Preserving Life. 3 June " Carbon Footprint." Global Footprint Network :: HOME - Ecological Footprint - Ecological Sustainability. 3 June SANDELL, CLAYTON. "Reducing Your Carbon Footprint - ABC News." Online news, breaking news, feature stories and more - ABC News. 3 June 2009.