Unit 13 Vocabulary Level E. antipathy DEF = (n.) a strong dislike, hostile feeling SYN = hostility, enmity, aversion, bad blood ANT = attraction, appeal,


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 13 Vocabulary Level E

antipathy DEF = (n.) a strong dislike, hostile feeling SYN = hostility, enmity, aversion, bad blood ANT = attraction, appeal, allure, sympathy Word Connection: ANTI = AGAINST These anti-war protesters have an ANTIPATHY for violence.

applicable DEF = (adj.) capable of being applied; relevant, suitable SYN = appropriate, fit, apt ANT = inappropriate, unsuitable, irrelevant Word Connection: The root is APPLY. Make-up is APPLICABLE to the face. It can be APPLIED. When APPLYING for a job, you have to include all APPLICABLE (relevant) information.

asset DEF = (n.) something of value; a resource; an advantage SYN = property, possession, holding, endowment ANT = drawback, handicap, liability Word Connection: Lincoln-Way’s “Asset of the Month” teaches you a VALUE that will give you an ADVANTAGE in life. Cash savings, a home, and a car are all considered monetary ASSETS.

beset DEF = (v.) to attack from all sides; to surround, hem in; (adj., part.) harassed, troubled; studded (as with jewels) SYN = (v.) assail, harass, badger, pester, torment This ring is BESET with diamonds. In the wild female lions surround and BESET their prey (here, the Hippo) to provide food for the pride.

compassion DEF = (n.) sympathy for another’s suffering; pity SYN = concern, commiseration ANT = indifference, callousness, heartlessness Word Connection: PASSION = FEELING Compassion is feeling sorry for someone. COMPASSION is giving someone a helping hand to show that you CARE. Nurses need to have COMPASSION for people who need their help.

decorum DEF = (n.) proper behavior, good taste; orderliness SYN = seemliness, good form, propriety ANT = impropriety, bad form, bad taste Word Connection: DEcorum = DEcency On The Office Angela is the living definition of DECORUM. She is PRIM and PROPER. Children learn GOOD MANNERS at a young age so they can learn to behave with DECORUM.

duress DEF = (n.) compulsion by threat; forcible confinement SYN = intimidation, coercion ANT = persuasion, coaxing, sweet talk, cajolery Word Connection: Being under DURESS can cause STRESS! In this picture the man on the right is under DURESS because the bully is INTIMDATING him.

exuberant DEF = (adj.) high-spirited, enthusiastic, unrestrained; excessive, abundant SYN = lively, ebullient, irrepressible, lavish ANT = depressed, despondent, sulky, restrained Word Connection: EXcited = EXuberant An EXUBERANT person has an EXCESSIVE amount of ENERGY…like Jim Carrey!!!!

facsimile DEF = (n.) an exact copy SYN = replica, duplicate, reproduction, clone ANT = variation, modification, permutation Word Connection: facSIMILe = SIMILAR With IDENTICAL twins one is a FACSIMILE of the other.

imbibe DEF = (v.) to drink; to take in, absorb SYN = swallow, gulp, assimilate, digest ANT = eject, emit, expel, discharge Word Connection: Babies need a BIB when they IMBIBE so they don’t spill on their clothes. I bet Michael Jordan has IMBIBED a lot of Gatorade in his life!

exuberantimbibebeset antipathy compassiondecorum 1. It doesn’t do much good to feel ______ for those who are suffering unless we also take action and help them. 2. Cough syrup can be difficult to ______ because the bad taste can trigger one’s gag reflex. 3. Dan was truly amazing! Even though he was _____ with problems at work, with his health, and with paying for his daughter’s education, he always kept a positive attitude. 4. The basketball referees were worried about fighting on the court when the two teams with a long-standing ______ toward one another played. 5. Although Tim’s ______ personality could be great fun outside of school, during class his excessive energy had a tendency to get him into trouble.

facsimileduressdecorum assetapplicableexuberant 1. Some of the lessons Americans learned during the Great Depression are ______ to our current economic struggle. 2. Working in the public relations field requires having the______ of friendliness. 3. The judge had a feeling that the suspect’s confession was not voluntary, but was given under _________. 4. Debra’s sense of _______ is so strong that she often makes other people feel like they can’t relax and be themselves. 5. My 25 page senior term paper was so important that I made a __________ to guarantee I would have a copy to turn in.

implacable DEF = (adj.) not to be satisfied or pacified; unyielding SYN = relentless, inexorable, unappeasable ANT = lenient, indulgent, permissive, flexible Word Connection: Something IMPLACABLE cannot be moved from its PLACE. A tornado is an unstoppable, IMPLACABLE force of nature.

infinitesimal DEF = (adj.) so small as to be almost immeasurable; minute SYN = tiny, microscopic, unnoticeable ANT = vast, immense, huge These INFINITESIMAL figurines were created in the eye of a needle!! This is what an INFINITESIMAL germ cell looks like under a microscope.

innocuous DEF = (adj.) harmless, inoffensive; insignificant SYN = feeble, unobjectionable ANT = harmful, dangerous, toxic Word Connection: INNOCuous = INNOCent

militate DEF = (v.) to have effect or force on or against someone or something SYN = counter, oppose, work against Word Connection: The MILITARY uses force against others. They MILITATE.

patent DEF = (n.) exclusive rights over an invention; copyright; (v.) to arrange or obtain such rights; (adj.) plain, open to view; copyrighted SYN =(n.) exclusive rights; (adj.) evident ANT = (adj.) concealed, hidden,secret The COPYRIGHT symbol shows that an invention or trademark is PATENTED and cannot be stolen.

prowess DEF = (n.) distinguished bravery; superior skill or ability SYN = valor, courage, heroism, mastery ANT = cowardice, incompetence Word Connection: “PRO” sports players have PROWESS that makes them superior to other players. Superman has PROWESS. He is SUPERIOR to mere mortals.

sedate DEF = (adj.) quiet, settled, sober; (v.) to administer a tranquilizer SYN = (adj.) unruffled, composed, cool and collected ANT = (adj.) loud, brash, flashy, flamboyant Anesthesia SEDATES people so they are SEDATE during surgery. Tranquilizer darts can be used to SEDATE large animals.

stentorian DEF = (adj.) extremely loud SYN = thundering, booming, deafening, ear-splitting ANT = hushed, inaudible, whispered A STEREO can be STENTORIAN.

stipulate DEF = (v.) to arrange specifically; to require as a condition of agreement SYN = specify, contract, provide for Word Connection: manIPULATE = to control and arrange something exactly as you want it A contract STIPULATES a specific arrangement. Once you sign a contract you must follow its STIPULATIONS.

ultimatum DEF = (n.) a final proposal or statement of conditions SYN = final terms Word Connection: ULTIMATE = LAST The Bourne Ultimatum was the FINAL movie in the Bourne trilogy. Jason Bourne gave the U.S. government his FINAL TERMS.

sedateultimatumstentorian implacablepatentprowess 1. Before we could administer a dose of medicine to the cougar, we had to _____ the animal to protect ourselves. 2. The ______ cry of the teething baby kept every member of the family awake all night long. 3. After 7 years of dating, Judy gave Mitch a(n) _______: “Marry me or I’m out of here!” 4. The ______ focus and work ethic of the company’s CEO turned the business into a Fortune 500 contender. 5. Whoever has the ______ on the Snuggie sure is making a bunch of money for his seemingly silly invention!

infinitesimal stipulateprowess militateinnocuousstentorian 1. Tim would love to have a dog, but unfortunately, his apartment’s lease ______ that he can’t have any pets. 2. When you sit and look up at the vast universe of stars, it can make you feel ______. 3. The stunning _____ of the Olympic skater was breathtaking to watch. 4. Although my handshake with Anthony seemed ______, I later came down with the flu from which he had just recovered. 5. Our government hopes to keep the peace, but they will not hesitate to _______ against our enemies if provoked.