Resiliency Definition: Resiliency is the capacity to maintain competent functioning in spite of adversity or life stressors Youth Alive Training1
Behavioral research findings on resiliency It is developed over time with environmental support Despite hardships, resilient individuals develop coping skills that enable them to succeed in life They have strong commitment to self and/or their God, willing to deal with problems Youth Alive Training2
They have a positive attitude, strong sense of purpose & internal focus of control—seeing obstacles as challenges that can be overcome They have strong ability using religious faith to maintain a positive vision of life It’s about hope. They have a sense that adversity can be overcome These individuals focus on factors that account for success Youth Alive Training3
I Individual Attributes Youth Alive Training4 Easygoing temperament or disposition Intellectual capabilities Realistic appraisal of the environment Self-efficacy
Social skills Sense of direction or mission Capacity to understand and respond to other’s feelings Humor Adaptive distancing Youth Alive Training5
II Family protective factors Consistent, warm, positive relationship with caring adult Positive family environment and bonding High but realistic parental expectations Youth Alive Training6
Family responsibilities and household tasks Positive parental modeling of resilience and coping skills Extended support networks, including family and friends Youth Alive Training7
III School Protective Factors: Opportunities for involvement in school decision making High but realistic expectations for students’ performance Caring, supportive school atmosphere Youth Alive Training8
IV Community protective factors: Positive community norms Opportunity for involvement in community resources for children and families Youth Alive Training9
V Relationships (valuable, sincere & enduring relationships V Relationships (valuable, sincere & enduring relationships) With supportive older adults or mentors (teachers or clergy) With individuals who provide care, warmth, and unconditional love, give youth the sense that the odds faced in life can be overcome Presence of charismatic adult with whom they identify and from whom they gather strength Youth Alive Training10
V Relationships (continued) (valuable, sincere & enduring relationships) Having at least one person in youth’s life who accepts them unconditionally, helps them to be resilient Resiliency to stressors of life, such as abusing peers, or violence in TV/movies, comes through supportive relationships! Youth Alive Training11
What can be done? School as a community Role of adults Youth Alive Training12
School as a community Create an environment at school that is a refuge for students When students sense school as a community, they are less likely to engage in disruptive behavior or risk behaviors Youth Alive Training13
Subjective appraisal of school leads to greater school interest Supportive academic environment and sense of belonging were predictors of resilience Youth Alive Training14
Important adult’s role Be involved in the lives of youth Establish sincere and enduring relationships with youth Don’t expect perfection Be there when they fail – just be there to support them Work to create a warm accepting environment in the school community Youth Alive Training15