Tom Furlani Director, Center for Computational Research SUNY Buffalo Metrics for HPC September 30, 2010
Center for Computational Research More than 10 years experience delivering HPC in an academic setting Mission: Enabling and facilitating research within the university Staff: 15 FTE Provide Cycles, software engineering, scientific computing/modeling, medical informatics, visualization Computational Cycles Delivered in 2009: 360,000 jobs run (1000 per day) 720,000 CPU days delivered $9M Infrastructure Upgrades in 2010: (6000 cores, 800 TB storage) NSF MRI – Netezza Data Intensive HPC Cluster NSF CDI – GPU Cluster NYSERDA Green IT Cluster NIH S10 – HPC Cluster Portal/Tool Development WebMO (Chemistry) iNquiry (Bioinformatics) UBMoD (Metrics on Demand) NYSTAR HPC 2 Consortium UB, RPI, StonyBrook, Brookhaven, NYSERNet Bringing HPC to NYS Industry
Outline Center for Computational Research Technology Audit Service Vision The Team Progress to Date Application Kernels XDMoD Portal
Why Bother? If you don’t measure it, you can’t improve it Constant budgetary pressure HPC is expensive Competing for limited resources with many other worthy programs Can’t simply state the obvious - that HPC capability is crucial for a research university
The Good News Advanced computing critical to research Simulation based engineering and science Data driven science HPC Centers have a good story to tell Transparency is good Much of the info is collected already Log files from queuing systems
Which Metrics (ROI) Resource Utilization Provide instantaneous and historical information on resource utilization Improve system performance for users UB Metrics on Demand (UBMoD) Grant Database Track grant proposals submitted and funded by researchers utilizing HPC resources Track funds budgeted to center from grants
UB Metrics on Demand Portal UBMoD: Web-based Interface for On-demand Metrics CPU cycles delivered, Storage, Queue Statistics, etc Customized interface (Provost, Dean, Chairs, Faculty)
CCR Grant Database Input data on grants proposals Search data to generate reports