Nicholas Otto By: Ja’Maizia Wallace Date: February 2 nd,2011 Reach Nicholas Otto By: Ja’Maizia Wallace Date: February 2 nd,2011 Reach
When was he born and where was he born? Nicholas Otto was born on June 14 th,1832 in Holzhause,Germany Nicholas Otto was born on June 14 th,1832 in Holzhause,Germany
What did he do for his everyday life? Otto was a traveling salesman in 1876 selling tea, coffee, and sugar. Otto was a traveling salesman in 1876 selling tea, coffee, and sugar.
What all did he invent? He invented the first practical alternative to the steam engine. He invented the first practical alternative to the steam engine.
More of his inventions Otto built an internal combustion engine utilizing a four stroke piston cycle now called “Otto.” Otto built an internal combustion engine utilizing a four stroke piston cycle now called “Otto.”
The Cycle Engine Otto also built more cycle engines in the next 10 days, when he completed the Otto Combustion Engine Motorcycle. Otto also built more cycle engines in the next 10 days, when he completed the Otto Combustion Engine Motorcycle.
What did he win? Won a gold medal at the World Exposition in Paris of Won a gold medal at the World Exposition in Paris of 1867.
When did he die? Otto died on January 26 th, Otto died on January 26 th, 1891.