Mindset Monday, January 12, 2015
Agenda Objectives Anticipatory Set Data and Discussion Closure Homework
Objectives Teachers will be able to examine the failure rate data and identify trends in the data Teachers will be able to brainstorm possible solutions to first semester failure rate
Anticipatory Set From the assigned reading of chapters 2 and 3, select a “lightbulb” moment for you No name is necessary on the paper Write the quote or selected part on the paper Please indicate what page number your selection is from along with your written selection Hang up on wall
Select a colleague’s “lightbulb” moment that you make a connection with and bring paper back to your table Discussion points Why does this selection speak to you? How does this selection relate to your posted “lightbulb” moment? Similar? Different?
Discussion Review the guiding questions from chapter 2 and 3 1,617 F’s were given for first semester 9 th grade – 569 F’s 10 th grade – 475 F’s 11 th grade – 340 F’s 12 th grade – 233 F’s As a table, select a guiding question to frame your discussion about this data Discuss from a teacher’s perspective and a student’s perspective Be prepared to share out main discussion points to whole group
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Data Review the data, make comments on necessary on paper Whole group share of what trends are evident in the data Brainstorm possible solutions for identified trends in the data Share out solutions whole group
Closure Exit slip
Homework Read chapter 4 by February 2 nd PLC Review guiding questions as you read chapter