Will you be dealing with a new ESEA? Presentation to NYSCEA February 6, 2015
What’s cook’in in DC Senate and House working on a new ESEA to replace NCLB & waivers Senate and House working on a new research bill, and other issues Obama Administration has released its budget proposal – priorities for FY 16 State level issue that are simmering…. Feb. 6, 2015Richard Long, Literate Nation 2
Senate education committee Senate working off of a draft bill by chairman Senator Alexander (R- TN) on the right Key issues: federalism, private/public, portability, effectiveness Senator Murray (D-WA) is ranking member Key – civil rights, impact, literacy Feb. 6, 2015Richard Long, Literate Nation 3
House education committee Re-introduced by Chairman Kline (R-MT) on Feb 3 rd Key – local control Ranking member “Bobby” Scott (D-VA) holding public panel event Key – civil rights & effectiveness Feb. 6, 2015Richard Long, Literate Nation 4
Big issues Federalism – who decides what? Accountability Assessments CCSS Traditional federal role: disadvantaged, language minority, disabled vs local decision making Subgroups Accountability Teachers/personalization of instruction/career-ready (manufacturing) Post secondary – community college Links to secondary Changes in GED type stuff Feb. 6, 2015Richard Long, Literate Nation 5
Timing?? Senate Reviewing public comments Mark-up in committee likely in February Floor in March? House No hearing scheduled Committee mark-up end of March? Feb. 6, 2015Richard Long, Literate Nation 6
Weather Rock – if you know the weather today, you have a 70% chance of predicting tomorrow’s weather Prediction on ESEA – the Hill does have its own meter…. Feb. 6, 2015 Richard Long, Literate Nation 7
Obama’s FY 2016 Budget It is a set of priorities Education a priority Title I Research IDEA Career & Tech ed Early childhood Big problems Sequestration (caps) Revenues (taxes) Feb. 6, 2015Richard Long, Literate Nation 8
Key issues President proposes $4 trillion budget Uneven economic recovery Funding caps for military and discretionary spending – sequestration Increased number of children living in poverty Proposes changes to tax code & areas of increased revenues (taxes) Feb. 6, 2015Richard Long, Literate Nation 9
Timeline February 2, 2015 – President’s Budget submission Feb – March – Budget & appropriations committee hearings April/May – Budget levels set June – July – appropriations – line-by-line October 1 st, 2015 – beginning of new fiscal year Feb. 6, 2015Richard Long, Literate Nation 10
National Issues Common Core State Standards Standards Assessments Implementation Federalism Teacher training education & teacher/principal effectiveness Range of assessments Decoding Dyslexia and other specialized areas Feb. 6, 2015Richard Long, Literate Nation 11
More information Feb. 6, 2015Richard Long, Literate Nation 12