Information Technology Services Mobile County Public Schools 21 st Century Classroom Technology
Wireless Network SMARTBoard Teacher Laptop Document Camera Wireless Slate Response System (Clickers) Mobile County Public Schools 21 st Century Classroom MAKEUP Audio System
Wednesday, November 18, 2015 Mobile County Public Schools 21 st Century Classroom SMARTBOARD Touch-sensitive screen Works in conjunction with computer Remote computer operation Software to create lesson plans Online resources for lesson plans Ability to save notes or record Ability to view video content No maintenance Provides many years of service
Wednesday, November 18, 2015 Mobile County Public Schools 21 st Century Classroom TEACHER LAPTOP Mobile device Gives teachers home access Access for professional development Access during planning periods Allows teachers to keep their material Preconfigured with MCPSS software Configured with SmartBoard Software 3 year on-site warranty Ability to track with GPS
Wednesday, November 18, 2015 Mobile County Public Schools 21 st Century Classroom DOCUMENT CAMERA Replaces old overhead projectors Instantly displays real-time images Images can be from any source Images can be static or moving Works directly with the SmartBoard Captures images and saves them
Wednesday, November 18, 2015 Mobile County Public Schools 21 st Century Classroom AIRLINER SLATE Wireless interaction with SmartBoard Controls SmartBoard functions Write notes with digital ink Student interaction from their seats Teach from any location in the class Multiple Airliner capability
Wednesday, November 18, 2015 Mobile County Public Schools 21 st Century Classroom RESPONSE SYSTEM 24 or 32 wireless remote clickers Instant responses from students Instant display on SmartBoard Ability to create custom test Ability to create lesson plans Integrates with SMART software
Wednesday, November 18, 2015 Mobile County Public Schools 21 st Century Classroom 4 speaker system wireless teacher mic (lapel) Wireless student mic (handheld) Distributes sound evenly Takes voice stress off teacher Insures instructions are heard AUDIO SYSTEM
Wednesday, November 18, 2015 Mobile County Public Schools 21 st Century Classroom PRICE BREAKDOWN SmartBoard $3,149 Laptop with docking station$1,42 4 Document Camera $799 Airliner $349 Clickers $1,399 Audio System $1,520 Cost per classroom: $7,500
Wednesday, November 18, 2015 Mobile County Public Schools 21 st Century Classroom BENEFITS Raises the level of student engagement Motivates students for learning Promotes enthusiasm for learning Caters to students with visual & hearing impairments Streamlines teacher preparations Raises teacher enthusiasm
Wednesday, November 18, 2015 Mobile County Public Schools 21 st Century Classroom PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Technology without proper PD can be a distraction Focus on content
Wednesday, November 18, 2015 Mobile County Public Schools 21 st Century Classroom Dr. Robert Marzano Nationwide study on IWB Called it a “True Breakthrough in Education” “Undeniable successes in student achievement” STATISTICS
Wednesday, November 18, 2015 Mobile County Public Schools 21 st Century Classroom DR. MARZANO’S FINDINGS Of those classrooms employing these boards and using the voting technology, there was an immediate 17- percentile gain in scores. If a teacher was using the board for months, there was, on average, a 20 percentile gain. There is a "Sweet Spot" he says, the perfect storm of student achievement according to his findings
Wednesday, November 18, 2015 Mobile County Public Schools 21 st Century Classroom SWEET SPOT An experienced teacher Using the technology for 2 years Uses it about 75% of the time in class Had enough training to be confident in the technology This teacher could show a 30 percentile gain in scores
Wednesday, November 18, 2015 Mobile County Public Schools 21 st Century Classroom ITS SUPPORT 6 SMART Certified resource teachers on staff On-site training Online training (Moodle courses) Online distance learning using IVC TRIP site update to include SMART lesson plans (our teacher tube)
Wednesday, November 18, 2015 Mobile County Public Schools 21 st Century Classroom CURRENT DEPLOYMENT Hall, Austin, and Griggs Elementary, Holloway, McDavid- Jones, Meadowlake, Hollinger’s Island, Haskew,Citronelle, and Theodore currently have 100% deployment of the 21st Century Classroom 30+ Schools have portions of the 21 st Century Technology Over 1500 boards have been installed since the start of the school year. Our goal is to have over 4000 total classrooms installed in the next 18 months.