Professional Doctorates at The University of Northampton
Growth of Professional Doctorates Professional Doctorates at The University of Northampton Since the 1990s, a range of professionally-focused doctorates has emerged alongside the traditional PhD (QAA 2011)
What is a Professional Doctorate? Professional Doctorates at The University of Northampton A doctoral qualification! Based on research located in a professional context Contribution through the novel application of theory (Normally) more structured than a PhD (Normally) aimed at practicing professionals (Normally) delivered on a part-time basis
Our professional doctorate framework Professional Doctorates at The University of Northampton Establishes a credit value for the programmes Allows for a combination of L7 and L8 credits Provides options for programme structure Specifies a minimum volume of RM study Specifies a minimum volume of reflection on professional practice Specifies the size of the research thesis Establishes ‘pass-fail’ assessment of facilitated modules Establishes an exit award
Learning outcomes (1) Professional Doctorates at The University of Northampton Knowledge and understanding Create and interpret new knowledge through the conceptualisation, design and implementation of original research of a quality to satisfy peer review. Critically appraise existing organisational policy / practice through the application of reflection on work-based learning. Systematic acquisition and understanding of a substantial body of knowledge at the forefront of organisational research and policy / practice. Critical evaluation of the nature and construction of the knowledge underpinning current organisational research and policy / practice.
Learning outcomes (2) Professional Doctorates at The University of Northampton Subject-specific skills Conceptualise, design and implement a project for the generation of new knowledge, and to adapt project design in response to unforeseen factors. Advanced knowledge and understanding of a range of quantitative and qualitative methods typically used business and organisational research. Make informed independent judgements on complex issues in an area of business / organisational policy / practice often with incomplete data.
Learning outcomes (3) Professional Doctorates at The University of Northampton Key skills Effectively communicate complex ideas to specialist and non- specialist audiences using a range of appropriate technologies. Demonstrate research leadership in a professional area through the promotion of research capability and mentorship, contributing to the development of new techniques, technologies, ideas, approaches. Demonstrate the qualities and transferrable skills needed for employment requiring the exercise of personal responsibility and largely autonomous initiative in complex and unpredictable situations. Apply innovative approaches to solving complex problems.
Example: Doctorate of Professional Practice in Health and Social Care Professional Doctorates at The University of Northampton Principles of Research Advanced Qualitative Data Analysis Advanced Quantitative Data Analysis Developing Research Leadership and Management Reflections on Professional Practice Research Thesis
Example: The Northampton DBA Professional Doctorates at The University of Northampton Principles of Research Advanced Qualitative Data Analysis Advanced Quantitative Data Analysis Developing Leadership in Business Research Reflecting on Business Practice Research Thesis
Quality Assurance Professional Doctorates at The University of Northampton Hybrid of taught and research degree processes Structures reflect ‘research degree’ programme identiy
External points of reference Professional Doctorates at The University of Northampton QAA Doctoral Degrees Characteristics QAA Quality Code Chapter B11 UK Council for Graduate Education Professional Doctorates in the UK ABS Guidelines for the DBA AMBA Criteria for Accreditation of DBA Programmes
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