Coastal Bend and State Population % Distribution by Age Groups % Fewer in Working Age Source: US Census
Population Percentage Change from 1990 to 2000 Source: U.S. Census
Proportion of Population 12 and Under 2000 Source: U.S. Census
Rate - Males 2000 Source: U.S. Census
Rate - Female 2000 Source: U.S. Census
Rate – White including Hispanics 2000 Source: U.S. Census
Rate – Hispanics 2000 Source: U.S. Census
Rate – African American 2000 Source: U.S. Census
Rate – Other 2000 Source: U.S. Census
Alcohol Offenses 2000 Arrest Rate Per 1,000 Juveniles Source: Tx. Dept of Public Safety
Violent Offenses 2000 Arrest Rate Per 1,000 Juveniles Source: Tx. Dept of Public Safety
Drug Offenses 2000 Arrest Rate Per 1,000 Juveniles Source: Tx. Dept of Public Safety
Property Offenses 2000 Arrest Rate Per 1,000 juveniles Source: Tx. Dept of Public Safety
Runaway 2000 Arrest Rate Per 1,000 Juveniles Source: Tx. Dept of Public Safety
Curfew, Vandalism, Disorderly Conduct Offenses 2000 Arrest Rate Per 1,000 Juveniles Source: Tx. Dept of Public Safety
Alcohol Offenses 2000 Arrest Rate Per 1,000 Adults Source: Tx. Dept of Public Safety
Violent Offenses 2000 Arrest Rate Per 1,000 Adults Source: Tx. Dept of Public Safety
Drug Offenses 2000 Arrest Rate Per 1,000 Adults Source: Tx. Dept of Public Safety
Property Offenses 2000 Arrest Rate Per 1,000 Adults Source: Tx. Dept of Public Safety
Vandalism & Disorderly Conduct 2000 Arrest per 1,000 Adults Source: Tx. Dept of Public Safety
Confirmed Child Abuse Cases Rate Per 1,000 Children 2000 Source: Tx Dept of Protective and Family Services
Confirmed Adult Abuse Cases Rate Per 1,000 Adults 2000 Source: Tx Dept of Protective and Family Services
Family Violence Rate 2000 Source: Tx Dept of Protective and Family Services
Teen Birth (%) 2000 Source: Tx Dept of Human Services
Low Birth Weight Percentage 2000 Source: TX Dept of Health
Infant Mortality Rates per Source: TX Dept of Health
Mortality Rates per Source: TX Dept of Health
Chlamydia Rates per Source: TX Dept of Health- HIV / STD Division
Gonorrhea Rates per Source: TX Dept of Health- HIV / STD Division
Chronic Liver Disease Rates per 10, Source: TX Dept of Health
Disease of the Heart Rates per 10, Source: TX Dept of Health
Malignant Neoplasm's Rates per 10, Source: TX Dept of Health
Diabetes Rates per 10, Source: TX Dept of Health
Accidents Rates per 10, Source: TX Dept of Health
Suicide Rates per 10, Source: TX Dept of Health
Homicide Rates per 10, Source: TX Dept of Health
Disability (5-15 yrs) Percents 2000 Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Disability (16-64yrs) Percents 2000 Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Disability (65 & Over) Percents 2000 Source: U.S. Census Bureau
% Children in Poverty 2000 Source: U.S. Census Bureau
% All Ages in Poverty 2000 Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Per Capita Income 2000 Source: Texas Workforce
Unemployment Rate 2000 Source: Texas Workforce
Median Household Income 2000 Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Median Income by Age (55-64 yrs of age) 2000 Source: Demographics Now
Median Income by Age (65-74 yrs of age) 2000 Source: Demographics Now
Median Income by Age (75+) 2000 Source: Demographics Now
% Not in the Labor Force 2000 Source: Demographics Now
% In Labor Force 2000 Source: Demographics Now
Accommodations and Food Services 2000 Source: Demographics Now
Administrative, Support & Waste Management Services 2000 Source: Demographics Now
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting 2000 Source: Demographics Now
Arts, Entertainment & Recreation 2000 Source: Demographics Now
Construction 2000 Source: Demographics Now
Educational Services 2000 Source: Demographics Now
Finance and Insurance 2000 Source: Demographics Now
Health Care and Social Assistance 2000 Source: Demographics Now
Information 2000 Source: Demographics Now
Management of Companies & Enterprises 2000 Source: Demographics Now
Manufacturing 2000 Source: Demographics Now
Mining 2000 Source: Demographics Now
Other Services 2000 Source: Demographics Now
Professional Scientific & Technical Services Source: Demographics Now
Public Administration 2000 Source: Demographics Now
Real Estate and Rental Leasing 2000 Source: Demographics Now
Retail Trade 2000 Source: Demographics Now
Transportation and Warehousing 2000 Source: Demographics Now
Utilities 2000 Source: Demographics Now
Wholesale Trade 2000 Source: Demographics Now
Percent in Blue Collar Occupations 2000 Source: Demographics Now
Percent in White Collar Occupations 2000 Source: Demographics Now
Single Parent Households- Female Householder- % Below Poverty 2000 Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Single Parent Households, families with related <18 yrs number below poverty % 2000 Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Grandparents as caregivers % 2000 Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Individuals using public transportation 2000 Source: Demographics Now
Travel Time in Minutes -Mean-2000 Source: U.S Census Bureau
Residence county to work in own county % 2000 Source: U.S Census Bureau
Residence county to work outside of county % 2000 Source: U.S Census Bureau
“0” Vehicles Available 2000 Source: Demographics Now
“1” Vehicle Available 2000 Source: Demographics Now
“2” Vehicles Available 2000 Source: Demographics Now
Average Vehicles per Household 2000 Source: Demographics Now
Cost of Home Ownership (years of income for home value) 2000 Source: U.S Census Bureau
Housing Units – Owner Occupied % 2000 Source: Demographics Now
Housing Units – Renter Occupied % 2000 Source: Demographics Now
Housing Units – Vacant % 2000 Source: Demographics Now
Average Household Size 2000 Source: Demographics Now