FJPPL Suekane1 Nu_2-WP2: R&D of detectors for future high statistics, high precision experiment (R&D for reactor anti-neutrino experiments) F.Suekane, Tohoku Univ. D. Motta, CEA FJPPL KEK Presenters In short: R&D for Reactor 13 experiments
FJPPL Suekane2 Contents of this report General description of the Project 2006 Activities in Japan 2006 Activities in France by F.Suekane by D.Motta
FJPPL Suekane FJPPL Members 5 from France4 from Japan
FJPPL Suekane Mission & Budget plan Travel expense: 2x ( France Japon ) Exchange Information of KASKA and Double CHOOZ
FJPPL Suekane5 from 2007 Proposal 5 from France4 from Japan
FJPPL Suekane Proposal Travel Expenses Exchange information to proceed DC R&D
FJPPL Suekane7 KamLAND Solar experimens SuperKamikande K2K, MINOS Purpose of the experiments e 2 out of 3 Oscilltions have been confirmed. Purpose: To find out the 3rd oscillation by Reactor
FJPPL Suekane8 13 Measurement by Reactor sin 2 2 13 =0.1 Normal Hierarchy Inverted Hierarchy KamLAND E=4MeV Measure 13 at distance 1~2km from reactors
FJPPL Suekane9 Reactor 13 Experiment Reactors Near Detector (L<500m) Far Detector (L~1km) ~1.5km Measure Disappearance at a distance 1~2km Small Oscillation Amplitude => Precise measurement is necessary => 2 detectors to cancel systematics => Underground to reduce cosmic-ray backgrounds
FJPPL Suekane10 KASKA & DoubleChooz Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Station Chooz Power Station Early 2006
FJPPL Suekane11 R&Ds were going in parallel Mass Measurement KASKA DoubleChooz
FJPPL Suekane KASKA Merged to DCHOOZ KASKA R&D Double Chooz R&D Double Chooz Construction Japan sideFrance side The FJPPL fund was used for mutual visits to discuss how to unify the two projects. Merge
FJPPL Suekane13
FJPPL Suekane14 Far detector only Far & Near detectors together 08/ sys =2.5% sys =0.6% Current limit
FJPPL Suekane15 R&D in Japan before the Merge KASKA Prototype 0.9m 3 Gd-LS to study Gd signal to study BKG to observe reactor
FJPPL Suekane16 Fast Reactor P th =140MW Frequent ON/OFF L~25m ~150 p e n reaction/day 25m KASKA research reactor KASKA prototype Currently taking data
FJPPL Suekane17 PMT TTS=2.5ns Low BKG Glass Hamamatsu 10"PMT It is possible to make10"PMT glass as low BKG. ~400/detector 13% coverage 1pe signals
FJPPL Suekane18 Gd-LS long term stability tests (preliminary) BC521 : Pseudocumen(PC) : Tetradecane(TD) = A ‥ 20% : 20% : 60% B ‥ 30% : 10% : 60% C ‥ 20% : 10% : 70% T=20deg T=30deg T=40deg No aging at room temp. for 240days KASKA candidate
FJPPL Suekane19 Calibration: Wire manipulation Mechanical Test Test at prototype (planning) weight hook Source (between PMTs)
FJPPL Suekane20 Designing Work With KEK Engineering Div.
FJPPL Suekane21 1/2 scale inner acrylic dorm. =90cm, t=1cm) -> manufacturing method. -> Test of achievable precision
FJPPL Suekane22 Construction sequence
FJPPL Suekane23 LoI: hep-ex/ ~80 pages
FJPPL Suekane24 After the Merge to DCHOOZ 7m HV Divider Monitor PMT (~800) Teflon cable Electro- nics Front-End Electronics Take responsibility of PMT system
FJPPL Suekane25 Completed Low-BG Oil-Proof PMT design
FJPPL Suekane26 PMT testing box
FJPPL Suekane27 PMT Delivery Box Ready to GO.
FJPPL Suekane and Beyond OND OND OND FAR Installation Activity in Japan Activity in France Receive, test FAR data taking start NEAR NEAR data taking start 400PMT production 400PMT production test Installation preparation
FJPPL Suekane29 Next Speaker => Dario talks about French Activities in 2006
FJPPL Suekane30 Summary * Now Japan and France projects have unified as Double Chooz. * Full proposal in 2006 (hep-ex/ ) * Material procurement underway * 2007/08 is the DCHOOZ (Far det.) construction phase. * The first data taking is expected to start in 2008 and the first result is expected to come out in 2010.