September 2, 2009 Governor’s Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness A Community Preparedness Strategy PANDEMIC FLU PLANNING
Key Issues to Address Continuity of Operations Personal Protective Equipment School Closures Critical Information Requirements: Estimated Infection Rate within Jurisdiction School Reports on Absenteeism School Closure Information Business of Event Closures Public Information Campaigns
Continuity of Operations Why? -- Good Business Practice What? -- Maintain Essential Functions How? – Ten Basic Pieces Essential Functions Delegation of Authority Continuity Communications Human Capital Reconstitution Operations Orders of Succession Continuity Facilities Vital Records Management Test, Training, and Exercise Devolution
COOP Plan Guidance/Template (Available on GOHSEP website) Model for Parish and local to use Based on FEMA guides and training Includes PanFlu considerations
COOP for PanFlu Human Capital Absenteeism – need policies/procedures Must stay home, but not sick? Non-essential personnel? Telework – need policies/procedures and equipment (Gusky) Basic concept of response is EOC ops Not good for PanFlu Technology exists to decentralize – must plan!
COOP Resources FEMA Continuity Guidance Circular 1 Continuity Assistance Tool Training EMI IS 546 – COOP Awareness EMI IS 547 – Introduction to COOP GOHSEP Appendix A of 2009 LA PanFlu Annex to EOP COOP Plan Instructions and Template
Closing Comments
TELEWORK Should be included in your emergency plan for pandemics Facilitates social distancing Requires policies and procedures Must designate mission-critical employees Maintain a current telework agreement with specific COOP details and responsibilities
TELEWORK Must have necessary IT resources Virtual Private Network (VPN) Webmail Support personnel Employees need essential software on their home PC’s Microsoft Office Anti-virus Digital signature capability for personnel authorized to approve purchases, etc.
TELEWORK Safeguard sensitive data on employee home PC’s Practice telework regularly to ensure effectiveness…Test, Test, Test!
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