Use of the MARCS-Select TalkGroup on the Montgomery County Interoperability Template
Target Audience Audience: All Fire & EMS personnel using the Montgomery County Fire/EMS Template All Fire & EMS dispatch personnel in Montgomery County
Definitions MARCS: Ohio Multi Agency Radio Communication System Statewide 800 MHz trunked digital voice and data system for state, local and federal public safety and first responder entities ECOMMs: Used as tactical (“ops”) channels during emergency incidents Montgomery County Fire/EMS Template: see next page
Montgomery County Fire/EMS Template Conventional channels are marked with + Dayton Trunked Radio System (TRS) TalkGroups (TGs) are marked with * All others are on Montgomery County TRS
Learning Objectives Know where the MARCS & MARCS-Select TGs are located in our template Understand the difference between the MARCS-SO57 and MARCS-Select TGs Be familiar with when and how to use the MARCS-Select TG Know where to call for assignment of ECOMM TGs or for help Know which ECOMM TGs are available for our use (with authorization)
Extended Interoperability Options Communicating with responders from outside Montgomery County or for non-public safety agencies, e.g., Public Health: May use 8CALL90 and 8TACs for other public safety Or may use MARCS Select
MARCS TGs on Montgomery County Template (Zone 10) “MARCS SO57” & “MARCS SEL” Both patch users on the Montgomery County Trunked Radio System (TRS) to the Ohio MARCS System
MARCS TGs on Montgomery County Template (Zone 10) MARCS SO57 Stands for County 57 Sheriff’s Office, i.e., Montgomery Monitored by RDC Any agency in the state with MARCS radios can contact the RDC on MARCS SO57 Including all agencies using the Montgomery County Fire Interoperability Template
MARCS-SEL MARCS SEL is selectable for the following eight MARCS TGs, but ONLY these eight: MCALL1 MCOMM1 ECOMM7 ECOMM8 ECOMM9 ECOMM10 ECOMM20 ECOMM23
Intended Uses for Each MARCS TG Available on MARCS-SEL MCALL1: MARCS “Hailing Channel” for our area Will allow a MARCS user to call for help from anywhere in the state Remember that when going through the MARCS-SEL patch, you must be in the coverage range of the Montgomery County Radio System Monitored 24/7 by OSHP Posts, by ODNR’s Central Dispatch, and by sheriff offices within a MARCS zone (see next slide) When using MCALL, it is preferred the call be directed to the zone the call originates from, but is not required Greene County is not in the MARCS MCALL1 zone. Greene County OSHP Post does not monitor MCALL1
Intended Uses for Each MARCS TG Available on MARCS-SEL MCALL1: You or dispatch can use MCALL1 to hail ODNR and request ECOMM TGs MCOMM1: Generic TG for any user to be able to talk to any other user. Also monitored by MARCS base locations (OSP, SOs, etc.). Has statewide capability, but preferred use is within the zone. Use MCOMM1 to “communicate” with the party you were hailing, i.e., a TG for brief, non-emergency (chatter) conversations
ECOMMs Used as tactical (“ops”) channels during emergency incidents Available to nearly all MARCS users Must request an ECOMM through ODNR (MCALL1 or phone) Be prepared to give name and phone number, as well as an estimate of how long ECOMM will be in use (hours, days, week, etc.), and authority for request (IC)
Intended Uses for Each MARCS TG Available on MARCS-SEL ECOMM7 through ECOMM10: Generic statewide “emergency” TGs Primary use for MARCS-SEL ECOMM20 is designated for contacting Central Dispatch under the Ohio Fire Emergency Response Plan
Ohio Homeland Security Region 3 MARCS TG on MARCS-SEL ECOMM 13-28 were designed for homeland security incident coordination Planning regions are assigned ECOMM 21-28 MARCS-SEL includes ECOMM23, assigned to Homeland Security Region 3 (West Central Ohio) Montgomery, Preble, Miami, Greene, Darke, Clark, Shelby, and Champaign Counties
Intended Uses for Each MARCS TG Available on MARCS-SEL The HELPDESK can assist you with operational and technical issues 24/7/365 Land line number is 866-OH-MARCS (866-646-2727)
RDC Controls the Patch Radio Once you have an assigned TG (e.g., an ECOMM), you must have RDC switch the patch radio to that TG
Scenario Large “White Powder” incident involving local law enforcement, fire, EMS, FBI, and local public health Incident Commander (IC) determines need for interoperability TG for all involved agencies
Scenario IC has Dispatch, Communications Officer, or other delegate request an ECOMM TG Dispatch (or other delegate) contacts ODNR, using either MCALL1 or 866-OH-MARCS (866-646-2727) Dispatch asks for ECOMM to be assigned, but must only accept ECOMM7, 8, 9, 10, 20, or 23 (Since these are the only ECOMMs in MARCS-SEL)
Scenario Dispatch notifies IC of assigned ECOMM TG For our scenario, we will use ECOMM9 as the example
Scenario IC has RDC switch MARCS-SEL patch radio to ECOMM9 IC notifies or uses Comm Officer to notify all involved agencies with MARCS radios that ECOMM9 is now being used IC notifies Montgomery County Fire/EMS personnel to use MARCS-SEL (Zone 10, Position 12)
Scenario ECOMM9 used for all appropriate communications relevant to incident Other TGs may also continue to be used at IC discretion For example, might use a standard Ops TG for the Haz-Mat entry team, an LE TG for traffic control, the “Health”TG in Zone 2 for EMS and medical communications, etc.
Scenario At conclusion of incident or when this level of interoperability is no longer required, IC has Dispatch notify ODNR that ECOMM9 is no longer needed Again, remember that MARCS-SEL is only usable when in range of the Montgomery County Trunked Radio System
MARCS-SEL Summary Usable for any appropriate incident or other communications For incidents, must have ODNR assign an ECOMM ECOMMs limited to 7-10 and 20 and 23 Must have RDC select the appropriate MARCS TG on the MARCS-SEL Patch Radio Questions?
Steps for Use of MARCS-SEL (Printable Card) Once IC determines interoperable need: Have Dispatch, Comm Officer, or other delegate request an ECOMM TG from ODNR, using either MCALL1 or 866-OH-MARCS (866-646-2727) Ask for ECOMM to be assigned, but only accept ECOMM7, 8, 9, 10, 20, or 23 (only ECOMMs in MARCS-SEL) Once an ECOMM TG has been assigned, have RDC switch MARCS-SEL patch radio to that ECOMM Notify all involved agencies with MARCS radios of the ECOMM being used Notify all Montgomery County Fire/EMS Template users to go to MARCS-SEL (Zone 10, Position 12) Use that ECOMM for all appropriate communications relevant to incident Other TGs may also continue to be used at IC discretion When the ECOMM is no longer required, notify ODNR