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What is Student Publishing? Free online tool for creating original work. Available for students K-8. All students who return paperwork will get a free softback copy of their book (if minimum purchase of $ is met). Parents have the option to buy extra softback or hardback copies of their child’s book.
STORYBOOKS Individual story books (up to 12 pages) Each student writes and illustrates their own story Students receive a FREE paperback copy of their own story (pending return of forms and minimum purchase met). Books can be created online or by hand and scanned to pdf files and uploaded. Includes Title, Dedication, and “About the Author” biography page with photo 10 or more students needed to qualify
CLASS BOOKS Each student contributes one or two pages in a 10 to 64 page class book Class receives one copy of their hardback class book - 100% FREE Books can be created online or by hand and scanned to pdf files and uploaded. Title, Dedication and “About the Class” page with photo 10 or more students needed to qualify
Publishing Kits
Ideas! Original stories Recipe books ABC books Counting books Art portfolio Writing portfolio Poetry book Autobiography Biography
IMPLEMENTATION Due dates posted online and in classroom. Students are given a few days in class to work on books. Majority of work is done at home or when students finish work early. Students turn work in on Edmodo. Information on layout is on my wiki.wiki.