CURAC/ARUCC 2013 Sharing Best Practices Barbara Cox MUNPA
MUNPA Best Practices MUNPA’s membership includes all retirees from Memorial University – Automatic inclusion upon retirement – A voice representing approximately 1,600 members – Membership fees (currently $2 a month) are voluntary
MUNPA Best Practices A signed MOU with Memorial University – With leadership changes on the part of both the University and the retiree association, this MOU has proven to be very helpful – A brief document balanced between benefits to Memorial and those of retirees
MUNPA Best Practices Close Affiliation with Memorial – Establishment of a “Home” Department within Memorial (Department of Human Resources) – Regular meetings with Home Department as well as with Senior University Administration – Assignment of responsibility to Board members for liaison with faculty and staff unions – Cooperation with Memorial on specific joint projects, e.g. MOU between Memorial and Academics Without Borders Canada
MUNPA Best Practices Regular Communication with membership – Monthly newsletter “Your Voice” – Website – list – Social and educational events
MUNPA Best Practices Celebration of Achievements of Retirees – Annual Tribute Awards Program – Featuring of retirees in Memorial’s regular publications