Students Online: How Much Do You Know?
What percentage of U.S. teens (ages 12-17) use the Internet? 1.45% 2.62% 3.87% 4.98%
What percentage of U.S. teens (ages 12-17) admit to using the Internet unsafely, inappropriately or illegally? 1.10% 2.30% 3.47% 4.58%
76% of teens get their news online. 1.A. True 2.B. False
Over 75% of music downloads by students in grades 9-12 are illegal. 1.True 2.False
Who would be more likely to use online social networking sites? 1.Girls (Ages 12-14) 2.Girls (Ages 15-17) 3.Boys (Ages 12-14) 4.Boys (Ages 15-17)
Please make your selection... Which social networking site is used most often by teens? 1.MySpace 2.Facebook 3.Xanga 4.Piczo
What is the main reason teens give for using social networking sites? 1.“Stay in touch with friends you see a lot.” 2.“Stay in touch with friends you rarely see.” 3.“Make plans with your friends.” 4.“Flirt with someone.”
What percentage of online teens with social networking sites mark their profiles as private? 1.35% 2.43% 3.66% 4.78%
What percentage of high school students admit to having “instant messaged” strangers? 1.25% 2.35% 3.45% 4.50%
What percentage of children have shared personal information online? Enter question text % 2.34% 3.48% 4.60%
Who is more likely to meet face to face with someone from the Internet? 1.Male 2.Female
What percentage of students in grades 5-12 physically met up with someone they first met on the Internet? Enter question text % 2.10% 3.15% 4.20%
Cyber bullying typically starts at what age?
Cyber bullying typically starts at what age? A.9 Source: Aftab, Parry. “What Everyone Needs to Know About Cyberbullying.” Wired Safety. Accessed 10 April
What percentage of students in grades 5-8 admitted to saying something mean or hurtful online? 1.15% 2.24% 3.32% 4.53%
What percentage of high school students have said something harmful online? 1.15% 2.24% 3.32% 4.53%
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