1:1 Computing at Fremont High School
Fremont High School Background -3 computer labs Leo PC’s in each -The time that I was there half did not work. -6 to 8 week repair time -Wireless in the Library sometimes works -4 Laptops JUST entered the building. -Fremont High SchoolFremont High School
1.To see if a school without the funding for new technologies, one who would never see this kind of technology would feel comfortable having 1:1 computing. 2. To introduce this type of technology in the classroom. 3. To see how the students would react if they were able to have their own computers in the classroom.
Teachers With 1:1 Computing 1. If you were able to have 1:1 computing in your classroom and home would you post lesson plans, and homework assignment on the Internet weekly? -Yes, for the classes that I do teach I feel this wouldn’t be too hard of a task. -Yes, I would LOVE to use the Internet daily and add homework, lesson plans, and other events. - I am very incompetent with computers. I would need a lot of help getting up to speed, but would do it. -Yes, I would find it very convenient. 2. Would you feel comfortable receiving homework from students through or blog system? -Yes, I think with what I do know about computers I could handle that. - Yes, With a specific agreement with the students/parents - Yes, but there could be many problems with that. #1 - Items lost in transfer #2 - Computer Breaks down/ something doesn’t function properly - I don’t right now, but I could get used to it.
Cont. 3. What positives do you feel you would have in your classroom with 1:1 Computing? -I do feel it would help students learn, they like computers and it would benefit them. -I would create different opportunities for kids to learn the materials in health. -I think the students would pay closer attention if they are required to take notes and send them to me --More interaction with students -I would be able to use multiple CD-Rom programs that I currently barely use. Also, students could use them with probes that connect via USB port. 4. What negatives do you have towards 1:1 computing just from what we have stated today? - 1. Price 2. Students demolish most items 3. Have to renew them every ___ years. -Kids playing around on the Internet - Kids abusing computer (hardware) -The only negative would be how could a school system afford these for all students -1. Students would be sidetracked in class by having a computer around 2. The cost will keep this from happening until the state/fed. Deems it to be worthy 3. We have very poor tech support in this building so what happens when we have problems.
1. Would you feel comfortable having and taking care of your own laptop knowing that it will cost you if it gets damaged? - Yes -Yes - Yes - Sort of -I don’t know, sometimes I could but sometimes it would get in my way. 2. Would you be able to stay off the Internet and other distracting areas of your computer while in class? -Yes - Yes - Probably Not - It depends on the class. Classes I need to pass I could stay off those sites but any other class I don’t need to graduate I would get on those sites. 3.What positives would you say there would be by having you own laptop while in school? -You could get help anytime. -Do your work on it, you could get help anytime. -You wouldn’t have to write pages of notes, wouldn’t waste paper - Not wasting paper, easier, faster - Stop wasting paper, Easier to take notes, Be more creative with projects, accomplish more.
1.What negatives would you say there would be while having a laptop in school? -The temptation to get distracted -Other people abusing their privileges so others are punished. - It would take you off track while in class - Carpel Tunnel - DISTRACTING - Kids would be on MSN messenger all the time.
OVERALL -Overall, the teachers and the students would like to have 1:1 computing in their classrooms. -Students would learn more ect. -Get more done (being a teacher)