Educational Technology Outreach Professional Development Model 2001 Maryland Technology Showcase Davina Pruitt-Mentle December 5, 2001 College of Education
December 5, Maryland Technology Showcase PD Model DPM 2 Professional Development Opportunities: Past and Present Past –Technology skills –Short workshops-or seminar format Present –Integration/infusion of technology –Ties with school system and state curriculum –Connection to state and national content and technology standards –Focus on standardized assessments –Research based on “Best Practices” –Using technology to conduct research and assist in professional growth.
December 5, Maryland Technology Showcase PD Model DPM 3 Already In Place A variety of “How To” workshops and institutes Graduate level courses offered through the University of Maryland with focus on - Developing teachers’ proficiency at integrating technology into the curriculum. Using technology to conduct research and assist in professional growth. Using technology to evaluate student progress.
December 5, Maryland Technology Showcase PD Model DPM 4 Educational Technology Outreach: Professional Development Provides High quality technology based, University supported professional development A large portfolio of classes developed in concert with –County specialists –University experts –Teachers in the field Graduate level credit given Courses can be taught in local schools on district equipment with district software, on campus or on-line Instructors and curriculum materials Flexible billing, registration, and scheduling
December 5, Maryland Technology Showcase PD Model DPM 5 Professional Development in the Field Flexibility –Time After school Weekends Once a week/Every other week –Course schedule Does not have to be aligned with University semesters –Payment Individual County Grant Payments Tuition Reimbursement –Location In-county On campus On-line –One - three credit modules
December 5, Maryland Technology Showcase PD Model DPM 6 Professional Development Research Implementation is critical, as some techniques such as the short workshop model do not stick with teachers and therefore the instruction does not get passed on to the students Wilson, S., and Berne, J. (2000). Teacher learning and the acquisition of professional knowledge: an examination of research on contemporary professional development. Review of Research in Education 24,
December 5, Maryland Technology Showcase PD Model DPM 7 ETO Mode of Delivery Face to Face (F2F) F2F with Web enhancement Distance learning labs On-line –synchronous –asynchronous *Many courses supported by County Technology Specialists*
December 5, Maryland Technology Showcase PD Model DPM 8 Cohort Model Group of teachers move through a string of six courses over a year Start face-to-face Move to Web-enhanced Evolve to completely online Teachers have the chance to apply course content in their classroom, discuss successes and failures with their peers and instructors, and form networks for the future
December 5, Maryland Technology Showcase PD Model DPM 9 Course Creation Needs assessment –Counties –Conferences –Faculty –Maryland Business Roundtable/MSDE Develop course with faculty +county input –Tailor course to county requirements/software infrastructure University review/MSDE approval
December 5, Maryland Technology Showcase PD Model DPM 10 Course Offerings EDUC 498AProject Based Classrooms EDUC 498B Multimedia in the K-12 Classroom EDUC 498CTechnology Basics for Teachers EDUC 498DComputers in the Science Classroom EDUC 498EComputers in the Language Arts Classroom EDUC 498FIntegrating Technology in the Mathematics Classroom EDUC 498KComputing in the School Setting: Teaching with Telecommunications EDUC 498LIntegrating Technology with the Social Studies Curriculum EDUC 498MInternet Content for the Classroom EDUC 498NWeb-Based Instructional Tools EDUC 498OAssistive Technology for the Classroom Teacher EDUC 498PTechnology Leadership Issues in Educational Technology EDUC 498QDesktop Publishing EDUC498R Internet Content for the Classroom II EDUC498S Internet Content for the Classroom III EDUC498T Cyberethics for K-12 Instruction I EDUC498U Cyberethics for K-12 Instruction II EDUC498V Cyberethics for K-12 Instruction III EDUC498W Distance Learning for K-12 Instruction I EDUC498XDistance Learning for K-12 Instruction II EDUC498YDistance Learning for K-12 Instruction III EDUC498ZDesigning Instruction with Technology EDUC698MInternet Content for the Classroom (3 credits) EDUC698TCyberethics for K-12 Instruction (3 credits) EDUC698WDistance Learning for K-12 Instruction (3 credits)
December 5, Maryland Technology Showcase PD Model DPM 11 On-line Courses Internet Content for the Classroom Distance Learning for the Classroom Cyberethics Reading Course-To Meet Teacher Certification (2 courses for elementary teachers) Interpreting Maryland Test Scores for School Improvement - for Administrators Technology Leadership for Educators
December 5, Maryland Technology Showcase PD Model DPM 12 PD is Over, Now What? Budgets are shrinking so it is imperative we know if its workingEVALUATION
December 5, Maryland Technology Showcase PD Model DPM 13 Kirkpatrick’s Levels Level 1 - Smile Sheet Level 2 - Pre and Post Test Level 3 - Continuing Evaluation Kirkpatrick, D., (1998). Evaluating Training Programs: The Four Levels. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler
December 5, Maryland Technology Showcase PD Model DPM 14 Kirkpatrick’s Levels Level 1 - Smile Sheet –Evaluation after each module Level 2 - Pre and Posttest –Pretest - school district driven –Posttest - evaluations and portfolio –Cross pollination of assessments Level 3 - Continuing Evaluation –Follow up 3, 9, and 12 months after course –Via , survey, interviews –Selected sample observation
December 5, Maryland Technology Showcase PD Model DPM 15 Unique Best Practice Partnerships Baltimore City Public Schools –6 module cohorts –First 2 courses face-to-face –Last 4 courses on-line
December 5, Maryland Technology Showcase PD Model DPM 16 DC Public Schools –Developed collaboratively with PD staff and practicing educators –Hybrid model F2F with web enhancement On-line through WebCT Unique Best Practice Partnerships
December 5, Maryland Technology Showcase PD Model DPM 17 Unique Best Practice Partnerships Queen Anne’s County Public Schools –Unique infrastructure –Technology assessment of all new teachers assessment and proficiency at Level III needed before tenure hands on assessment county pays for new teacher course work - to reach Level III
December 5, Maryland Technology Showcase PD Model DPM 18 Queen Anne’s County Public Schools Schools:12 Students: 7231 14.7% increase over past 5 years Staff: Professional and Non-Professional814 New Hires : 1999/ 2000/
December 5, Maryland Technology Showcase PD Model DPM 19 Technology Competencies Grouped Into 4 Levels *Level I - Technology Basics *Level II - Applications and Online Strategies *Level III - Integrating Technology into Instruction *Level IV - Multimedia and Project-Based Learning Minimum acceptable proficiency level: Level III
December 5, Maryland Technology Showcase PD Model DPM 20 Teacher Tracking *Track 1 - For teachers who need basic software and computer training. *Track 2 - For teachers who have skills in basic computer software but need strengthening in using the computers with their students. *Track 3 - For teachers who demonstrate software competency and have some knowledge of how to use the computer in the classroom to support instruction. *Track 4 - For teachers who demonstrate software competency and have knowledge of how to use the computer in the classroom to support instruction and do not wish to take additional coursework
December 5, Maryland Technology Showcase PD Model DPM 21 Assessment Results 132 of 144 New Hires Assessed
December 5, Maryland Technology Showcase PD Model DPM 22 Enrollment in Classes Offered by Level
December 5, Maryland Technology Showcase PD Model DPM 23 The Challenge Continuously assess and adapt curriculum –Teacher competencies and input –School district needs and desires –Maintain University rigor and research Understand and incorporate national and state standards
December 5, Maryland Technology Showcase PD Model DPM 24 Our Solution Continuously assess on a variety of levels using business/industry model (Kirkpatrick’s model) Aid in the development of standards for technology education Stay current with PD “Best Practices” & Research Combine industry with educational initiatives
December 5, Maryland Technology Showcase PD Model DPM 25 Educational Technology Outreach Contact: Davina Pruitt-Mentle (301)
December 5, Maryland Technology Showcase PD Model DPM 26 Backups
December 5, Maryland Technology Showcase PD Model DPM 27 New Opportunities Research using pre and post assessment Eastern Shore consortium cohort Frederick County –Satellite Academy Workshop Grants Working with departments within the college –Rolling credits into graduate program Xybernaut Cultural Design Teams Software evaluation
December 5, Maryland Technology Showcase PD Model DPM 28 Status of the 60 New Hires of 1999/2000