Today’s Vision – Tomorrow’s Reality? Session Presenter Bill Hall Managing Director, Mega Projects WorleyParsons SESSION 1
Agenda Many challenges today Commodity pricing – fundamental shifts Equipment and labor costs Project execution impacts Strategies to meet the challenges
Significant Challenges: Today and Tomorrow Annual Engineering Graduates in 2006 USA 60,000 China 200,000 Average USA “Professional Workforce” Age in ECC industries Over 50 years old And many more issues But even more critical: What is happening in overseas markets?
Commodity Pricing - Fundamental Shifts
Global Metals Outlook
Fundamental Pricing Shift
Steel Prices to Surge “There is a strong view within the Chinese industry that miners will achieve the 85 percent increase, exceeding a 65 percent rise already agreed with a key Brazilian miner.” The Australian Financial Review April 2008
Equipment and Labor Costs
Equipment Costs Rise
Labor Costs Rise : 3% YOY increase : 4% YOY increase
Project Execution Impacts
Project Delays
Increasing Risk
Increasing Development Time
Increasing Engineering Backlogs
Strategies to Meet the Challenges
Strategies HSE performance Workshare Accepting increased responsibility Partnering Early engagement New technologies
Strategies HSE performance
Strategies HSE performance Workshare
Strategies HSE performance Workshare Accepting increased responsibility
Strategies HSE performance Workshare Accepting increased responsibility Partnering
Strategies HSE performance Workshare Accepting increased responsibility Partnering Early engagement
Strategies HSE performance Workshare Accepting increased responsibility Partnering Early engagement New technologies