XXI Congresso Nazionale SICOB - Cagliari Aprile 2013 ANALISI FATTORIALE DELL’OBESITÀ NELLA U.E.: SESSO, ETÀ, EDUCAZIONE Dott. Vincenzo Borrelli - U.F. Chirurgia Bariatrica - Bergamo
Situation of obesity in European Union, analyzing differences among gender, age and educational level of citizens across the EU Member States on a harmonized basis. Situation of obesity in European Union, analyzing differences among gender, age and educational level of citizens across the EU Member States on a harmonized basis. AIM
Matherials and Methods Data were collected and analyzed by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, and are based on the European Health Interview Survey (EHIS). Data were collected and analyzed by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, and are based on the European Health Interview Survey (EHIS). Metadata (data about the data) information on the EHIS are available on devoted Eurostat webpage and in the EHIS indicators guidelines (including the questionnaire) Metadata (data about the data) information on the EHIS are available on devoted Eurostat webpage and in the EHIS indicators guidelines (including the questionnaire)webpage EHIS indicators guidelineswebpage EHIS indicators guidelines
THANKS to Ph. D. DARIO BUONO Statistical Officer at Eurostat Methodology Team Luxembourg
Matherials and Methods 19 states: Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Rep, Germany, Estonia, Greece, Spain, France, Italy, Cyprus, Hungary, Malta, Austria, Poland, Romania, Latvia, Slovenia, Slovakia, UK 19 states: Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Rep, Germany, Estonia, Greece, Spain, France, Italy, Cyprus, Hungary, Malta, Austria, Poland, Romania, Latvia, Slovenia, Slovakia, UK no data from Portugal, Netherlands, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Ireland, Finland, Sweeden and Denmark no data from Portugal, Netherlands, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Ireland, Finland, Sweeden and Denmark
Obesity Women %
OBESE DISTRIBUTION IN EUROPE* Highest Shares * For women aged 18 years and over %
OBESE DISTRIBUTION IN EUROPE* Lowest Shares * For women aged 18 years and over %
Obesity men %
OBESE DISTRIBUTION IN EUROPE* Highest Shares * For men aged 18 years and over %
OBESE DISTRIBUTION IN EUROPE* Lowest Shares * For men aged 18 years and over %
Obesity and age
Obesity women and age
Obesity men and age
Obesity and educational level
ISCED level 0-2: low level of education refers to pre-primary, primary and lower secondary education ISCED level 3-4: medium level to upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education ISCED level 5-6: high level to tertiary education Obesity women and educational level
ISCED level 0-2: low level of education refers to pre-primary, primary and lower secondary education ISCED level 3-4: medium level to upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education ISCED level 5-6: high level to tertiary education Obesity women and educational level
ISCED level 0-2: low level of education refers to pre-primary, primary and lower secondary education ISCED level 3-4: medium level to upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education ISCED level 5-6: high level to tertiary education Obesity men and educational level
ISCED level 0-2: low level of education refers to pre-primary, primary and lower secondary education ISCED level 3-4: medium level to upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education ISCED level 5-6: high level to tertiary education Obesity men and educational level
ISCED level 0-2: low level of education refers to pre-primary, primary and lower secondary education ISCED level 3-4: medium level to upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education ISCED level 5-6: high level to tertiary education Obesity men and educational level
Female 9.3%(18/19) Male 11.3% (18/19)
Obesity and overweight women %
Obesity and overweight men %
Obesity women and age %
Obesity men and age %
obesity and overweight women age %
obesity and overweight man age %
Obesity and educational %
obesity and overweight educational %
Conclusion (1) Among the 19 Member States the proportion of obese people in the adult population varied in 2008/9 between 8.0% and 23.9% for women and between 7.6% and 24.7% for men. Among the 19 Member States the proportion of obese people in the adult population varied in 2008/9 between 8.0% and 23.9% for women and between 7.6% and 24.7% for men. There is no systematic difference in obesity between women and men, in fact the proportion of obesity was higher for women in eight Member States, ten for men and and equal in one (Greece) There is no systematic difference in obesity between women and men, in fact the proportion of obesity was higher for women in eight Member States, ten for men and and equal in one (Greece)
For women there is a clear pattern in all the Member States (except Romania) that the older the age group (65-74), the higher share of obese persons. For women there is a clear pattern in all the Member States (except Romania) that the older the age group (65-74), the higher share of obese persons. For men, in 12/19 Member States, the highest share of obesity was recorded for the age group 65-74, while in the remaining 7 Member States, the highest share was registered for the age group For men, in 12/19 Member States, the highest share of obesity was recorded for the age group 65-74, while in the remaining 7 Member States, the highest share was registered for the age group Conclusion (2)
The proportion of women who are obese falls as the educational level rises in all Member States. The proportion of women who are obese falls as the educational level rises in all Member States. For men, in 11 of Member States, the highest share of obesity was observed for those with a low educational level, in 5 Member States for those with a medium educational level while in Bulgaria and Estonia it was for those with a high educational level. For men, in 11 of Member States, the highest share of obesity was observed for those with a low educational level, in 5 Member States for those with a medium educational level while in Bulgaria and Estonia it was for those with a high educational level. Conclusion (3)