Movies in the 1920s Nicole Polk Madison Saunders Keke Glenn
“ Wait a minute! Wait a minute! You ain’t heard nothin’ yet. Wait, I tell ya, you ain’t heard nothing ! Do you wanna hear Toot, toot, toosie”- Al Jolson
But It Didn’t Start This Way…
The first films were black and white silent films. Movies were used to make people laugh and make the world a “better” place after the horrors of WWI. The first movie theatres were called Nickelodeons. Fact: the first Nickelodeon opened in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Considered World’s Greatest Comedian Became famous at 10 Liberty Loan drive: “The Bond” was his and the government used it to help in the war effort Joined with Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks and D.W. Griffith to found United Artists Corporation
Starred in Dr.Jekyll & Mr. Hyde (1920) Starred in the first feature to be released with synchronized musical score (1926, Don Juan) 1920’s he was acclaimed as the greatest Shakespearian actor of his time Always thought about money and was a drunk Died: May 29,1942 at the age of 60
He transformed the entertainment industry into what it is today. He had a 43 year long Hollywood career, which developed the motion picture industry as a modern American art. In 1918, at the age of 16, Walt joined the red cross and went to France where he drove a ambulance and his specific ambulance was covered from stern to stern of Disney Cartoons Mickey Mouse made his screen debut in Steamboat Willie on November 18, 1928 Steamboat Willie became the first synchronized sound cartoon. "We are not trying to entertain the critics. I'll take my chances with the public.“
The problems during the 1920s were that movies were silent and in black and white. Although the black and white problems weren’t solved til later silent films surely wee. RCA, Western Electric, At&t, and Warner Brothers all teamed up and formed Vitaphone which produced the first sound system.
In 1920, the famous novel, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, was released as a movie. In 1921, The Capitol Theater in New York City seated 8,000 people, at the time it was the biggest cinema in the world. In 1922, 84% of films were being made in Hollywood. In 1924, Columbia Pictures was found by Harry Cohn, Jack Cohn and Joe Brandt. In 1926, "The Black Pirate" was released by Douglas Fairbanks, which was the first feature-length Technicolor movie In 1927, “The Jazz Singer” was released. In 1928, "Steamboat Willie" was released, which was the first film Mickey Mouse spoke. In 1929, most theaters showed sound films.
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