Current Event March 29, 2010 Robert Lanier is 31 years old. He lives in this house on 79 Oak Street, in Queens, New York. He has many neighbors. Many of his neighbors have children. His neighbors did not know he had many pets inside the house. On Thursday, he was bitten, on his left hand, by one of his pet snakes. He waited 3 hours to call 911. The ambulance brought him to a Bronx hospital.
Inside his home, he had: A white Cobra 2 baby eyelash vipers A bamboo viper
An albino diamondback rattlesnake A 4 ½ foot crocodile monitor lizard These “pets” can kill you. They are dangerous!
In New York state, these reptiles are illegal. New York pet control people moved all the reptiles out of the house. The reptiles will be sent to other states for educational programs. Lanier will be okay. He will leave the hospital soon. Lanier will be in trouble with the police! What do you think?