BIOFUELS By: Nick Payton
How BIOFUELS are altered to make helpful products: The people extract the oils from the plants by compressing and forcing it out of the plant. This oil is used in many everyday products such as: lamp oil,cooking stove oil, and the remaining seed cake is used for fertilizer.
Biofuels moving up Biofuels are becoming more and more popular with larger companies because it is cheaper and cleaner than imported petroleum fuels, which it will soon replace.
Biofuels By: Giona DiMarco
What are biofuels? Biofuels are transportation fuels produced from biomass. Biofuels fall into two broad categories based on their feedstock and the process used to produce the finish product.
The two different types: One way to produce first-generation biofuels is through starch-based food products such as corn kernals. The second way to produce first- generation biofuels is through sugar-based food products such as sugar cane turned into ethanol.
Biofuels By: Kaitlynn Gibbs
Biodiesel Pure 100% biodiesel sells for about $1.50 to $2.00 per gallon before taxes. Fuel taxes will add approximately $0.50 per gallon. A mix of 20% biodiesel and 80% diesel will cost about $0.15 to $0.20 more per gallon over the cost of 100% diesel
Ethanol In July 2007 the retail price of gasoline in the U.S. Was $3.03. For one gallon of corn ethanol you would only pay $2.62. However to get the energy on one gallon of gasoline, corn ethanol would cost $3.71.