Sergey Vinogradov3rd oPAC Topical workshop on Beam diagnosticsVienna 8 May Silicon Photomultipliers for accelerator and medical applications Dr Sergey Vinogradov The QUASAR group at the University of Liverpool and the Cockcroft Institute, UK The Solid State Physics Department, P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute, Russia
Content ◙Introduction SiPM features and parameters ◙Photon detection with SiPM Photon detection types ◙SiPM application overview Tokai-to-Kamioka (T2K) – neutrino detection Positron Emission Tomography (PET) – medical imaging Beam Loss Monitoring (BLM) – Cherenkov fiber BLM ◙Summary Sergey Vinogradov3rd oPAC Topical workshop on Beam diagnosticsVienna 8 May
Conventional SiPM: photon number resolving detector SiPM = Array of independent limited Geiger mode APD pixels with poly-silicon resistors for breakdown quenching and with common output producing a sum of binary signals Initially developed by MEPhI/Pulsar, Russia (~ 2000) Most popular SiPM on market – Hamamatsu MPPC (MultiPixel Photon Counter, 2008) Yu. Musienko, CERN, 2011 R. Mirzoyan et al., NDIP, 2008 (SiPM MEPhI) Sergey Vinogradov3rd oPAC Topical workshop on Beam diagnosticsVienna 8 May
SiPM drawbacks: Crosstalk, Afterpulsing, Nonlinearity primary avalanche afterpulses Δ time Output Sergey Vinogradov3rd oPAC Topical workshop on Beam diagnosticsVienna 8 May
SiPM parameters ◙High gain low noise fast time multiplication Accompanied by high gain related drawbacks ―Crosstalk and afterpulsing ◙Key parameters ―Photon Detection Efficiency ~ 20 – 40% ―Dark count rate ~ 0.1 – 1 Mcps/mm 2 ―Crosstalk ~ 5 – 40% ―Afterpulsing ~ 5 – 20% ―Pixel recovery (single electron response) time ~ 10 – 300 ns ―Pixel density ~ 10 3 – 10 4 mm -2 ―Spectral range ~ 350 … 900 nm (for Si, but also IR InGaAs) ―Active areas: 1x1 … 6x6 mm -2 ―Arrays: 1x 16 … 8x8 (monolithic), 12x12 (hybrid) ◙A lot of space for improvements in performance by New designs Advanced technology Sergey Vinogradov3rd oPAC Topical workshop on Beam diagnosticsVienna 8 May
Detection types ◙Single photon counting - binary detection (PDE, DCR, dead time) – disadvantageous ◙Detection of short weak light pulses - highly competitive with PMT and APD ◙Photon number resolution (SNR, noise-to-signal ratio, σ n /μ n ) ◙Time-of-flight detection (transit time spread, time resolution, σ t ) ◙Detection of time-varying signals (MTF, signal reconstruction) - challengeable Sergey Vinogradov3rd oPAC Topical workshop on Beam diagnosticsVienna 8 May
SiPM application areas ◙Accelerators SiPM (MEPhI) small HCAL (MINICAL), DESY, 2003 MPPC (Hamamatsu), T2K, MAPD vs. MPPC at LHC CMS HCAL, Various SiPM at NA61/SHINE, LHC RICH for ALICE (LHC) CALICE Hadronic Calorimeter for ILC FermiLab, Jefferson Lab calorimeter upgrade projects CLIC STF3, Beam Loss Monitoring ◙Astrophysics SiPM (MEPhI) cosmic ray study at International Space Station, 2005 MPPC, First G-APD Cherenkov telescope (FACT), 2011 Cherenkov light detection of air showers (MAGIC upgrade, CTA) ◙Telecommunications Deep space optical links (NASA & JPL Mars exploration program) Quantum cryptography (Paul Scherrer Inst., Geneva Univ.) Sergey Vinogradov3rd oPAC Topical workshop on Beam diagnosticsVienna 8 May
Tokai-to-Kamioka (T2K) Tokai-to-Kamioka (T2K) long-baseline neutrino oscillation Sergey Vinogradov3rd oPAC Topical workshop on Beam diagnosticsVienna 8 May
Selection of SiPM for T2K ◙Requirements Operational in a magnetic field Compact to fit the limited space inside the magnet Good stability and low cost for a large number of readout channels (60 000) Green light sensitivity (WLS fiber) Photon detection efficiency > than that of a MAPMT Sub-ns time resolution ◙Uncertainties Metrology / characterisation / selection Reproducibility Reliability / aging Sergey Vinogradov3rd oPAC Topical workshop on Beam diagnosticsVienna 8 May
Results of T2K with SiPM ◙T2K collaboration selected MPPC in 2005 ◙Mass production of MPPC started in 2008 ◙60K MPPCs have been tested and installed in 2008 – 2009 ◙Experiment started in 2009 ◙Observation of neutrino oscillations has been reported in 2011 ◙KEK ◙TRIUMPH ◙Imperial ◙INR Sergey Vinogradov3rd oPAC Topical workshop on Beam diagnosticsVienna 8 May
SiPM in medical imaging applications Sergey Vinogradov3rd oPAC Topical workshop on Beam diagnosticsVienna 8 May
PET with SiPM ◙Positron Emission Tomography (PET) – medical imaging Sergey Vinogradov3rd oPAC Topical workshop on Beam diagnosticsVienna 8 May
Magnetic Resonance Imaging + PET ◙Key constrains: Magnetic field Limited space Sergey Vinogradov3rd oPAC Topical workshop on Beam diagnosticsVienna 8 May
Time-Of-Flight PET Target objective for SiPM time resolution: 100 ps Sergey Vinogradov3rd oPAC Topical workshop on Beam diagnosticsVienna 8 May
Selection of SiPM for PET ◙Energy resolution (Photon Number Resolution) ~ 511 KeV ~ PMT (limited by scintillator at ~8%) ◙Time Resolution ~ a few ns for conventional PET → 100 ps for TOF PET ◙MRI compatibility for PET/MRI ◙Hamamatsu MPPC 3x3 mm 2, 50 um pixel (GE, Siemens) ◙Philips digital SiPM 4x4 mm 2 (Philips TOF-PET scanner) ◙SensL SPM 3x3 mm 2 (Samsung brain PET/MRI) ◙Brain PET/MRI Scanner ◙(Samsung Research) Sergey Vinogradov3rd oPAC Topical workshop on Beam diagnosticsVienna 8 May
BLM: Cherenkov fiber detection Sergey Vinogradov3rd oPAC Topical workshop on Beam diagnosticsVienna 8 May
BLM: first evaluation of SiPM D. Di Giovenale et al., NIMA, 2011 SPARC accelerator, Frascati, INFN Synchrotrone Trieste MPPC, 1mm 2, 400 pixels Quartz fiber 300 μm, 100 m Dark count noise: negligible Electronic noise: negligible Spectral dispersion in fiber: n() →∆t() ~ 3 m τ fall ~ 10 ns → deconvolution Summary ◙Compact low cost BLM ~1m-scale Sergey Vinogradov3rd oPAC Topical workshop on Beam diagnosticsVienna 8 May
BLM: first experiment at CTF3 QUASAR group, University of Liverpool, Cockcroft Institute, CERN (L. Devlin et al., ) More info: welcome to 11:45, May 09 E. Nebot del Busto Sergey Vinogradov3rd oPAC Topical workshop on Beam diagnosticsVienna 8 May
Challenges for SiPM in BLM: saturation, recovering, duplications ◙Transient nonlinearity of SiPM response Large rectangular light pulse: Nph > Npix; Tpulse > Trec Peak – initial avalanche events in ready-to-triggering pixels Plateau – repetitive recovering and re-triggering of pixels Fall – final recovering (without photons, but with afterpulses!) 4 us pulse50 ns pulse Sergey Vinogradov3rd oPAC Topical workshop on Beam diagnosticsVienna 8 May
Summary ◙SiPM technology: breakthrough in photon detection Photon number resolution at room temperature Silicon technology / mass production / reliability / price Highly competitive in short (< μs) pulse detection Fast progress in improvements ◙Welcome to SiPM application Scintillation Cherenkov Laser pulse And more… Sergey Vinogradov3rd oPAC Topical workshop on Beam diagnosticsVienna 8 May
Sergey VinogradovSeminars on SiPM at the Cockcroft Institute 2 December G. Collazuol, PhotoDet, 2012
Acknowledgement & References Thanks to my colleagues on CLIC BLM group L. Devlin and C.P. Welsch (University of Liverpool, Cockcroft Institute) E.N. Del Busto and M. Kastriotou (University of Liverpool, CERN) References [1] CLIC collaboration, “A multi-TeV linear collider based on CLIC technology - CLIC Conceptual Design Report”, Technical report, CERN, Geneva, [2] D. Di Giovenale, L. Catani, and L. Fr¨ohlich, “A read-out system for online monitoring of intensity and position of beam losses in electron linacs,” NIMA 665, 33–39, [3] M. Panniello, L. Devlin, P. Finocchiaro, A. Pappalardo, and C. P. Welsch, “SPECTROSCOPIC CHARACTERIZATION OF NOVEL SILICON PHOTOMULTIPLIERS,” Proc. BIW2012, Newport News, VA, USA, [4] E.B. Holzer, J. van Hoorne, S. Mallows “Fiber Based BLM System R&D at CERN – Quantitative loss measurement with long bunch trains”, Proc. HB2012, Beijing, China, [5] L. Devlin et al., “UPDATE ON BEAM LOSS MONITORING AT CTF3 FOR CLIC”, Proc. IBIC2013, Oxford, UK, [6] E.N. Del Busto et al, “Monte Carlo simulations of beam losses in the test beam line of CTF3”, Proc. IBIC 2013, Oxford, UK, Sergey Vinogradov3rd oPAC Topical workshop on Beam diagnosticsVienna 8 May
The end Thank you for your attention Questions? Sergey Vinogradov3rd oPAC Topical workshop on Beam diagnosticsVienna 8 May
SiPM performance metrics for BLM ◙Loss scenarios (single or a few separate locations) Amplitude → photons → particles per location (PNR) Transit time to rising edge → loss location (TTSpread) Separation of loss locations ― Modulation transfer function (MTF) ? ― Pulse pair resolution ? PNR TTS New metrics ? Sergey Vinogradov3rd oPAC Topical workshop on Beam diagnosticsVienna 8 May