Institute of Geophysical Research of the National Nuclear Center of RK Kazakhstan National monitoring system of nuclear explosions and earthquakes Mikhailova N.N., Sokolova I.N. Institute of Geophysical Researches of the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kurchatov – Almaty
Institute of Geophysical Research of the National Nuclear Center of RK The system includes: seismic monitoring stations network; infrasound monitoring stations; Kazakhstan National Data Center in Almaty (KNDC); Stations communication system with National and International Data Centers The last decade in Kazakhstan was marked by creation of the new modern monitoring system for nuclear explosions and earthquakes. This monitoring system was created in Kazakhstan National Nuclear Center (NNC RK). Data of this system are used in solving the tasks of global monitoring of nuclear explosions and earthquakes. Data are transferred to International Centers to compile seismic bulletins (REB, ISC, EMSC) and are available to researches from different countries via IRIS/DMC; also, data of this system are used in tasks of Republic system of seismic observations.
Institute of Geophysical Research of the National Nuclear Center of RK Figure 1. The map of seismic and infrasound NNC RK stations location (8 seismic arrays, 5 three component seismic stations, 3 infrasound arrays).
Institute of Geophysical Research of the National Nuclear Center of RK The main feature of the seismic monitoring system is: -the major part of the stations is seismic arrays; -all stations are digital; -stations are located mainly throughout the perimeter of Kazakhstan territory; -due to careful geological site selection for stations construction and with relation to seismic noise characteristics, good arrays configuration, and combination of broadband and short-period instruments, all stations are high sensitive to both regional and teleseismic events. All these features allow to use the system successfully within National and International monitoring.
Institute of Geophysical Research of the National Nuclear Center of RK The models of daytime seismic noise by data of NNC RK network stations and world noise models.
Institute of Geophysical Research of the National Nuclear Center of RK The main tasks of the Center are: Acquisition and transmission of data from NNC RK network stations; Processing of arriving seismic and infrasound data; Storage and data exchange with other National and international Centers; Conducting of scientific researches in support of monitoring. Center for Acquisition and Processing of the special Seismic Information (Almaty)
Institute of Geophysical Research of the National Nuclear Center of RK Communication scheme of Data Center in Almaty and observation stations
Institute of Geophysical Research of the National Nuclear Center of RK Kazakhstan Data Center conducts active data exchange with many scientific Organizations of Kazakhstan and the whole world. Data exchange is conducted with the following Organizations: Origin data in real time are transferred to IDC (Vienna), USA NDC (Florida, USA), IRIS (USA). Automatic seismological bulletin – EMSC (France). Interactive bulletin – ISC (England). Summary bulletin – Institute of Seismology of Kazakhstan. Reports on large teleseismic events – GS RAS (Obninsk). SEED-volumes –IRIS/DMC KNDC data are transferred to NORSAR (Norway), to SEA/DASE on demand.
Institute of Geophysical Research of the National Nuclear Center of RK Data Center creates the following products: Automatic seismological bulletin (represented on the web-site); Online interactive bulletin (is represented on the web-site); Joint online seismological bulletin (data of SEME MES RK and IGR NNC RK) (is available on the web-site for special users); Catalogues of earthquakes and explosions (after discrimination of source nature). Automatic bulletin of infrasound events
Institute of Geophysical Research of the National Nuclear Center of RK Conclusion The modern stations system of seismic and infrasound monitoring was created in Kazakhstan for a short period under the auspices and active participation of International Organizations. Data of this system are used in tasks of Republican seismic observation system. Processing results are transferred to SEME MES to be used during creation of earthquakes catalogues and source mechanisms, and finally to precise the maps of seismic zoning and earthquake prediction. Data of this system are used for the tasks of nuclear explosions and earthquakes global monitoring. Data are transferred to International Centers to create world seismic bulletins (REB, ISC, EMSC) and to carry out scientific investigations by researchers from different countries.