Seasons – A season is a repeating pattern of changes over time Talk with your friends… – How many seasons can you name?
Quick Write How do our seasons relate to weather and climate?
What “Seasons” can you name? Flu Season Hunting Season Growing Season
Hurricane Season
Baseball Season
Seasons Divisions of the year, marked by changes in the weather – changes in the intensity of sunlight that reaches the Earth's surface – may cause animals to go into hibernation or to migrate, and plants to be dormant. – In our area there are four seasons; Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter
Science 7 Unit 2: Climate and Weather Climate: temperature and precipitation you Expect vs. Weather: temperature and precipitation you Get
A. Climate Climate – Typical temperature and precipitation in an area over time Time scales for a… Meteorologist (studies the atmosphere) Climate is typical temperature and precipitation over the last 30 years. Geologist (studies rocks) Climate is average temp and precipitation over the last million years. Paleoscientist (studies Earth history) Climate is average temp and precipitation over the last billion years.
B. Weather Weather – The state of atmosphere at a given time and place Most important characteristics of weather 1.temperature 2.moisture – humidity – precipitation – clouds 3.visibility 4.wind 5.air pressure
C. What We Need to Study 1.To Understand a.Heating of Earth by the Sun b.How Energy Relates to the Water Cycle c.The Atmosphere and Oceans Distribute Moisture and Energy 2.To Describe – Clouds – Precipitation – Humidity – Temperature – Wind – Visibility
a. Heating of the Earth Temperature: sunlight warming the Earth
b. Water Cycle
c. Distributing Heat and Moisture
Bookwork Exploring Earth’s Weather – Chapter 1 Section 1 Bold Words Diagrams on pg. 14 – 15