Deciduous Forest Team C By: Lauren Dougherty Rachel Serratore Dom Peirce Richard Cartier Sasha Zilbershot
Location South East of North America South East of Australia West of Europe East of Asia South of South America
Climate 4 season Winter Summer Spring Summer The temperature years is 6°c – 28°c Precipitation every year is 115cm Slightly rainy and hot winter spring fall summer Seasons
Plants and Adaptations The layers are: Leaf litter Humus Humus with minerals Minerals with little humus Bedrock Common plants: Oak trees Ferns Rhododendrons Hydrangeas
Plants and Adaptations Plants are: beautiful Colorful Low on land
Animals Reptiles Deer Birds Bears Owls Raccoon
Adaptations Raccoons and their learning ability Deer have fur to help them against the cold Bear can hibernate Birds can migrate Reptiles hibernate in the mud Owls can turn their head so they can see danger
Baby dear
Environmental Issues Acid rain Cutting trees Animals Rely on trees Oxygen Cleared for farm land