Tutorial on PC1D Mohit Mehta
Program Description PC1D solves the fully coupled non-linear equations for the quasi-1-d transport of electrons & holes in crystalline semiconductor devices, with emphasis on photovoltaic devices. Only file required to run the program is PC1D.exe. PC1D.hlp provides on-screen help.
Getting Started Using PC1D is a Three-step process: 1. Set up the Simulation Parameters 2. Run the Simulation 3. Examine the Results PC1D has 3 different types of displays (called views), each useful for a different step of this process.
File Menu The File Menu has the Basic Features for handling PC1D files such as new, open, save, print & so on. It also has a Description button, which opens up a text editor to write about the current file you are working on for future reference.
Device Menu The Device Menu offers selection in 4 groups: 1. Region Manager 2. Region Parameters 3. Device Parameters 4. Device Files
Excitation Menu The Excitation Menu offers the following commands: 1. Mode 2. Temperature 3. Base/ Collector Source Circuits 4. Photo-generation 5. Excitation Files
Compute Menu The Compute Menu offers the following commands: 1. Run 2. Stop 3. Continue 4. Single Step 5. Start Again 6. Batch 7. Numerical
Graph Menu The Graph menu provides commands that control which graph is available for inspection using the Interactive- Graph view. It also provides a command for resetting the graphs in the Four-Graph view to their default values, and a command for copying data to the Windows clipboard.
View Menu The View Menu lets you switch between the three views & lets you hide or show the Status & Tool bars
Options Menu The Options menu provides commands that affect the environment in which PC1D runs on your computer. It provides us with following commands: 1. File Locations 2. Store Node Data 3. Device Update 4. Font 5. Display Options
Help Menu The Help menu offers the following commands, which provide you assistance with this application: Index - Offers you an index to topics on which you can get help. Using Help - Provides general instructions on using help. About - Displays the version number of this application.